
2018年06月14日 卡城之窗

只剩下2天时间了!卡城唐人街竟然要开两间大麻店?! 一家就开在唐人街TD银行旁边,龙城商场对面100 4 AV SW!申请文件号DP2018-2527市府让反馈意见的时间太过仓促 - 6月15日截止!另外一家在唐人街东边#101 201 1 ST SE申请文件号DP2018-1837不愿做沉默的羔羊的华人朋友们,尽快行动吧,到卡城市政府网站: calgary.ca/development 去发出自己反对在唐人街开大麻店的意见。也可打市政府开发部门电话403-2685311询问更多有关申请的信息。

**** 上网步骤 ****

请输入点击city网: Calgary.ca/development 。

1. 你会看到一页“Welcome  to the planning and development map"(欢迎使用地图)。阅读后,点"I have read the important message"左边的小方框。再点“Get Started”(开始)

2. 卡城地图就显示出来了,上面布满了项目数量的圆圈。请放大地图。注意唐人街地段。

3. 在Centre St S 和4 Av SE交角的左上侧,有一个房子图标。这就是大麻店项目的位置。双点击它。点右下角红色的“Find More”(发现更多)。

4. 出现一页Development Permit”(开发准许)。偏下处有一个长红条“share your thoughts"(分享你的看法)。


5. 出现一页说明。点击红条“Yes,I Understand"(是的,我明白)。点击它。

6. 填写你的姓名、email地址、住址、电话,然后在大框里写入你的意见(可以是很简单的表示反对的一两句话),或在计算机上投放你写好的信件到下面的虚线框内。

7. 点击这页下面的小方格,它右边的字是“I have read and accept the conditions"(我已读了并接受阿省信息自由和保护法的条款)。

8. 最后一步,点击最下面的红长条“Fill in form to submit”(填入表格递交)。这样就完成递交你的意见了。


  -- 大麻店会毁坏唐人街历史文化

  -- 大麻店会破坏唐人街文化旅游价值

  -- 大麻店会破坏唐人街商业价值

  -- 大麻店会破坏唐人街饮食文化

  -- 大麻店会破坏唐人街风水

 --  华人的文化价值观是远离大麻毒品,大麻店会冒犯唐人街居民的价值观

  -- 唐人街是我们的小孩子常去的地方,大麻店在唐人街会让小孩子们没有安全感

  -- 大麻店在唐人街会让经常去那里的小孩子们轻易受到大麻的影响

  -- 唐人街是许多华裔老者聚居的地方,大麻店在唐人街会让老人们失去安全感,宁静的心理受到创伤

  -- 唐人街是多元文化的珍贵遗产,是各族人民节日欢庆的地方。开大麻店会把那里污染,让去那里的人感觉不安全

  -- 那里周围是我们经常光顾的饭店,大麻店开在那里会对我们的心里产生影响,让我们产生心里阴影,从而不愿意再光顾那里的饭店

  -- 其他大家想到的理由



I have lived in Calgary since 1990.

I strongly oppose the proposed development of a cannabis store in Chinatown, because this store could badly ruin Chinatown's Feng Shui, therefore, seriously destroy her culture and businesses. I am sure, once the store is set up, majority of Chinese people would hesitate to come to Chinatown for shopping and dining. A cannabis store could turn Calgary's lovely Chinatown to a ghost town. I doubt the city Mayor and the counsellor would like to take this historical responsibility. I wish Not.

Please turn down this development!

Keep Chinatown away from any cannabis!

Thank you for attention.


Hi there,

I strongly disagree the plan of opening a cannabis store at 100 4 AV SW. Why is it going to be set in the Chinatown area? As you know, Immigrants of Asian heritage reject cannabis in their culture, and absolutely this cannabis store will bring horror and upset to the majority of the population living or working in this neighborhood. I would be super disappointed if this application gets approved, as the approval would indicate the disrespect and discrimination to the local community. As every Canadian is proud of, we are in a multicultural country, so please kindly understand the diversity of different culture, especially respecting the group of people who are living in the area which would have the unusual plan with certain risk such as opening the cannabis store. We, as the people who live and work everyday in this area would greatly appreciate if the government could listen to the local residents' voice. 

I’m looking forward to hearing any further information, which could show the city’s consideration and responsibility on local community’s benefit instead of ignorance. 

Best regards, 


To Whom It May Concern,

As I've just noticed the plan of building up a cannabis store around Chinatown, I would like to express my strong objection here. I have two small kids and we pass by that area every day. I couldn't imagine how we would experience after the opening of that store. It's not the right location for opening that type of store. I would stand out to protest this bad idea for my family's safety for sure. 

Please seriously consider if you're going to approve this awful plan. 

Many thanks,



May I say "No" to the application of opening a cannabis store at 100 4 Ave SW? 

As the resident here, I never use cannabis, and I never heard any of my neighbours needed them. oppositely, most people living in this area don't like cannabis. We have strong concern in the negative impact on local economics and the community'd security. It is very unreasonable and inadvisable to open a cannabis store around the people who hate it. It doesn't make sense to the residents here!

Could I get a chance to speak with the department which is responsible for this plan? I sincerely hope our government could listen to the residents' thoughts.


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