
2015年03月21日 美国华人

作者:住房政策改良会 招霞

最近爆炸性的住房新闻,来自位于地产新宠的Bernal Heights的355 Bocana街的租客,她于2014年3月2日收到业主升租的通知,住了11年的独立屋,租金将由$2145,升到天价的$8900,升幅高达315%,订金更狂涨到不可想象的$12,500!



据Zillow的数据,这所物业1900尺,市值$1.55个mil,市价月租$5315。气候宜人、交通便利Bernal Heights,是地产界的新宠,因为该区离101和280高速公路都非常近,通勤去南湾的高科技人士都对这区趋之若鹜,而这里也是短期出租AirBnB的背包客喜欢出没的地方,一晚私租两房的套间,价钱高达$100元晚。所以这个区市价和租金猛升。这个物业里,11年来,业主没有大幅度升租;租客也付着市价4成的低租,据常理,应该感觉幸运,并好好对待业主的体恤。





“I am being kicked out of my home of 11 years. Come celebrate my final months hosting wonderful travelers from all around the world, sharing interesting places to see, eat and enjoy in this beautiful city I have called home for 26 years. I have truly enjoyed my hosting experience and made many friends. My greedy new landlord wants market value for my home, and is forcing me to leave with some very shocking and unsavory tactics. But, I guess that’s life in the San Francisco BOOM town. Sadly, this not only means I loose my home but also loose my city, because I can no longer afford to rent here as an acupuncturist.
My rent controlled apartment has allowed me to have a guest bedroom for my friends and family to stay with me, have a wonderful acupuncture clinic and spa, host travelers who wanted a real San Francisco experience, and also have a place for my patient’s families to stay when their loved ones were in crisis. It has been a wonderful journey. Help make the end of this era a special and memorable one!”




对于此案,我们团体的业主们认为不能就此蒙冤,落得個贪得无厌的臭名,所以发函去询问动机和原因。很快,我们收到业主的代表律师Dennis Leadbetter的回信。该信她也发给所有租客方的政客了,包括Jane Kim金贞贤、州参议员Mark Leno里诺、Eric Mar马兆光、Campos、Avalos等等。可以看出,这是业主愤怒无比的动作,业主被剥削压迫的形象跃然而出:

“To All Interested Parties:

The rent increase that has generated this controversy is actually an offer by the owner to rent a substantially larger home than was originally rented. In addition to the upper level (in which tenant currently resides), Ms. Follingstad will have access to at least 60% more space which can be used by the tenant to offset the rent increase through her existing Air BnB business. As interested parties are now aware, there are many sides to a story. Rent Control Ordinances create unreasonable expectations upon which tenants rely. In this case, rent control simply does not apply to this tenancy.

When a small property owner finally has an opportunity to increase the rent – via State law – the City gives almost no choice to the owner but to take the opportunity to increase the rent. If owners were allowed modest increases over time, we would not see this kind of dramatic rent increase required.

San Francisco’s promotion of Airbnb-type hotel use further reduces available housing to middle income residents. A comprehensive housing policy is required for San Francisco County residents – landlords and tenants. Commercial profit making use of a tenants rent regulated rental unit should be disallowed.

San Francisco County unfairly burdens small property owners with a societal problem that should be shared by all residents – not just those whose owners’ whose properties were built prior to June 13, 1979. Small property owners are not being subsidized by the government for what is truly a problem for all of society. An economically sound housing policy – fair to all – is required to avoid further displacement of our middle income residents.

Denise Leadbetter “




由于这个业主从来没有過向市参事、传媒和业主团体投诉的記录,她的case没有被documented — 她的理由,无论多么理直气壮,由于推导和演绎缺失,得到的是跳跃式的结论,就会把列作谬论而无法被社会接受。同时,根据多年经验,业主的不幸故事,英文传媒从来不感冒,记者从来不肯来采访,但租客的故事,无论立据如何单薄,总是得到单方面的广泛报道。报道的过程和后续里,业主也不被采访。这样的偏帮报道,淹蓋真相,不但不能把問題解決,還越搞越大,业主无法存活,也更早把租客推离三藩市。租客找不到可以负担的新居所,被迫迁居向外市。

在孤军作战的氛围下,业主要寻求解决,使用的方法是更需要savviness,更高EQ、更忍耐,更向外求助,不能用一下子爆发而拖累整个业主阶层。这位业主和律师,其实可以联合三藩市小业主协会 (smallprop.org) 和其他同情的团体把事情研究清楚,再用讲道理的方式先礼后兵,步步为营,避免一落笔就打三更,才能在舆论和公众的眼光里达到以理服人,甚至实现推动合理法律的理想–在法律上实现对业主和租客双方都进行保障。



作者: 招霞,三藩市小業主協會(smallprop.org)華人部董事,住房政策改良會創辦人之一(BetterHousingPolicies.org)。2011年投身社區工作,義務為置了業的華人能在掠奪性的住房政策中生存奔走,也為租客住得好、買上屋努力。她相信,只有人人有樓,安居樂業,才能弘揚華人落地生根、尊老愛幼、樂也融融的生活方式。版權為作者所有。歡迎轉載,必須刊登本段。

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