
2016年03月11日 英国留学帮帮团

据报道,一座42层的学生公寓楼将会在卡迪夫拔地而起,将会使目前的威尔士最高建筑黯然失色。目前在斯旺西(Swansea)的子午线巨塔(Meridian Tower )是威尔士的第一高度。


据悉,这座42层的未来大厦,计划的建筑高度为132米。地点就在卡迪夫市中心,将为大约450名学生提供住所。这一高度也完败目前的威尔士第一高,107米的斯旺西子午线巨塔(the Meridian Tower in Swansea)。


这座132米高的未来大厦也绝对会高于卡迪夫市区内的任何建筑,包括80米高的卡迪夫首府之塔(the Capital Tower)和78米高的BT塔(BT Tower)。


未来大厦将会建在 Customhouse Street 和 Bute Street 交接的空地上,微笑地俯视着他临近的75米高 Radisson Blu hotel。他的地理位置非常好,5分钟步行走到市中心火车站;另外一个方向步行5分钟到南威尔士大学卡迪夫校区;卡迪夫市中心商业区就在斜对面。



来自南威尔士大学电影系的20岁 Helen 认为,未来大厦非常漂亮,她担心同学们会支付不起租金......

Helen Turner, 20,­ film student at University of South Wales said: “I think it’s good, I mean it’s hard enough to get affordable student accommodation. “Cardiff is made up of loads of big buildings, I really don’t see a problem with it as it will look good.”

来自卡迪夫大学医药学的22岁 Ed Ackling 认为建造在卡迪夫市中心的大厦非常壮观,只要有电梯能带你上到最高一层,什么都好说......

Ed Ackling,­ 22,­ medical student at Cardiff University,­ Roath, Cardiff said: “I think it would be great to have a building as big as that in Cardiff. “As long as there is an elevator that takes you to the top, it will be fine.

49岁的公交车司机 Jeff 认为,卡迪夫已经有很多学生公寓了,所以未来大厦不会带来太多影响。只要政府不要拆掉现有的建筑来盖新的大厦,他就会支持......

Bus driver­ Jeff Wagstaff, ­ 49, from Tremorfa in Cardiff said: “There are quite a few student buildings in town already so I don’t think it will make much of a difference. I wouldn’t mind the building being so big, as long as they don’t knock down any of the old buildings to build it.


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