“Panda Bond“是什么,你知道吗?

2016年03月01日 最英国



此次发行的30亿元人民币(合4.64亿美元)称为“熊猫债券”,也就是”Panda Bond”熊猫债券”是指国际多边金融机构在华发行的人民币债券,中标利率为3.0%。



IBM公司在日本发行的债券被称之为“武士债券”(Samurai bond)

A samurai bond is a yen-denominated bond issued in Tokyo by a non-Japanese company and subject to Japanese regulations. 

Other types of yen-denominated bonds are Euroyens issued in countries other than Japan.


英国天然气公司在美国发行的债券被称之为“扬基债券”(Yankee bond)


A yankee bond is a bond denominated in U.S. dollars that is publicly issued in the U.S. by foreign banks and corporations. According to the Securities Act of 1933, these bonds must first be registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) before they can be sold. 


英国的“猛犬债券”(Bulldog bond)

type of bond purchased by buyers interested in earning a revenue stream from the British pound or sterling. A bulldog bond is traded in the United Kingdom.


西班牙的“斗牛士债券”(Matador Bond)

Matador bonds were bonds denominated in pesetas, and were usually corporate bonds. 

The market for matador bonds grew rapidly between 1987 and 1999, and attracted many large local and foreign investors. The name matador originated from the bullfighters in Spain.



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