【上海美国中心活动】下周看点: LGBTI主题系列活动

2016年06月18日 美国驻华大使馆

6月20日 周一 18:30 [骄傲月特别放映]纪录片Inside the Chinese Closet

Monday, June 20, 18:30  [Pride Month Special Screening] Documentary: Inside the Chinese Closet 

为庆祝骄傲月,上海美国中心将放映纪录片《Inside the Chinese Closet》该片的制片人也会到活动现场,就影片关注的问题展开讨论,回答观众问题。

In celebration of LGBT Pride Month, the Shanghai American Center is pleased to screen the documentary ‘Inside the Chinese Closet.’ The screening will also feature the documentary’s producer, who will give a brief talk about the film and answer questions from the audience.

(影片对白为中文,有英文字幕。This film is in Chinese with English subtitles.)

6月21日 周二 18:30 [美领馆留学讲座]美国大学资源介绍之LGBTI学生专场

Tuesday, June 21, 18:30  [EducationUSA Presents] U.S. Campus Resources for LGBTI Students

你知道美国很多大学都有为LGBTI学生特别准备的资源吗?在上海美国中心和 EducationUSA 举办的本场资源说明会上,我们会详细介绍国际 LGBTI 学生可以使用到的美国大学资源和各类互助组织。现场还会有一位曾经在学生时期参与LGBTI组织的外交官和大家分享他的经验。

Did you know that there are many resources in the United States that LGBTI students can use while studying at U.S. campuses? EducationUSA and the Shanghai American Center are glad to host an information session to provide prospective international LGBTI students with information about the resources available to them at schools and through LGBTI support organizations. A U.S. diplomat who was involved in LGBTI organizations when he was in school will also share his experience.

(讲座会用英文与中文进行,无翻译。This event will be conducted in Chinese and English without interpretation.) 

6月22日 周四 18:30 [美领馆讲座]总领事史墨客主持专题讨论:走近 LGBTI 社群

Thursday, June 22, 18:30  [ShAC Talk] Panel Discussion on a Cross-section of LGBTI Life Hosted by Consul General Hanscom Smith


In celebration of Pride Month, Shanghai Consul General Hanscom Smith is proud to host a panel discussion at the Shanghai American Center featuring people from different parts of the LGBTI community to discuss their experiences and the significance of recent developments in the LGBTI community. This event will feature couples, singles, parents and members of the diplomatic community, who will share their thoughts and perspectives.

(本场活动向公众开放,用中文与英文进行。请注意,本活动不向媒体开放。 This event is open to the public and will be held in both Chinese and English. This event is closed press. )

上海美国中心(ShanghaiAmerican Center,简称ShAC)是美国驻上海领事馆新闻文化处的一部分,旨在协调与支持中美教育交流,举办文化活动,提供图书资源等。中心举办各种文化活动,包括各类讲座、电影之夜、艺术展览等。


地址: 上海市南京西路 1376 号上海商城东峰 540 室







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