
2018年07月19日 加拿大国际教育集团




抵达英国后,夏令营老师和司机已在机场热情接机。你会发现晚上9点,曼彻斯特还像白天一样明亮,随后我们前往温彻斯特的Sparsholt 大学,开始浸泡式体验纯正英语环境,入住学生公寓,休息调整,初步体验英国校园氛围。









美味纯正的英式午餐过后,在英国老师的带领下同学们参观了温彻斯特市很多历史遗址,如简奥斯汀故居,温彻斯特大教堂等。其中,孩子们最喜欢的是温彻斯特城堡部分旧址—大殿(The Great Hall),真正见到了大殿上方黑白相间的圆形桌子,是亚瑟王的圆桌骑士会议遗址。参观完后,孩子们分成不同小组,去到shopping街购物。值得点赞的是我们的小组长姐姐和哥哥,他们带着自己的队员去购物了。








When we got to the airport, teachers from camps were waiting to pick us up.  We went through customs, got our bags, and met the camp representative at the front of the airport.Then we all got onto a bus and drove to the camp.


After dinner,our activity tonight was a tour of the campus.We had a tour guide walk us around and show us all of the popular spots to visit, including our classrooms, the football fields, the sports center, the meeting area, a small shop, and where to fill up our waters.


Today we started up bright and early, with a lot of our students waking up with the sun and going outside to play!  It was a bit chilly out, so a lot of our students went through the day wearing their jackets or long sleeves.


After breakfast, we went straight away to our proficiency testing, where our students tested to find out what level classes they would be in for the rest of the camp.Some things to keep in mind—our young learners will join the “Tiger English program”, which is an English program focused around different games and activities to help teach English, while our older students will be placed into different levels depending on their English ability.  

There are a lot of different countries at this camp, so they will be in very mixed classrooms, with a lot of culture to learn about as well.


After testing and a class introduction, we met up for a delicious lunch, and then spent some more time exploring and playing on the campus. Then, all of our groups met back up to take a bus to Winchester city.


we had a walking tour through a lot of the older parts of Winchester, including some famous castle ruins, the house where Jane Austen lived for many years and eventually died, and the Winchester Cathedral.  One part of our tour that the students really loved was the chance to visit the Great Hall in Winchester, where we actually got to see the Round Table where King Arthur held his meetings.  


After our walking tour, students were split up into groups and went shopping in Winchester’s downtown shopping area.


When dinner was finished, our students had some rest time for our evening activities. There were three options for this evening—a disco dance party, basketball, and a movie night.  Most of our students went to basketball and the movie night.

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