唯 地产墨尔本繁华区域Caulfield North联排别墅3房2卫生间仅售85万!

2015年07月15日 澳洲维基地产

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墨尔本繁华区域Caulfield North, 距离CBD仅10公里。该项目为三层联排别墅,交通方便, 提供舒适与便利为一体的居家环境。

户型: 3房2卫生间

楼层: 3层



豪华装修, 拎包入住, 售价仅85万5澳币!投资自住, 皆是最好选择!



Caulfield North是墨尔本的一个区,位于距离墨尔本市中心8.5公里的东南面。

Caulfield North is a suburb in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 8.5 km south-east of Melbourne's central business district in the local government area is the City of Glen Eira. At the 2011 Census, Caulfield North had a population of 14,554.

It is bounded by Orrong Road in the west, Glen Eira Road in the south, Dandenong Road in the north and Kambrook Road in the east. The suburb contains Caulfield Park - a park of approximately 26 hectares in size, bounded by Balaclava Road, Inkerman Road, HawthornRoad and Park Crescent.

Caulfield North has the largest Jewish population of any suburb in Australia: 6,522 (according to the 2011 census), representing 45% of its population.


1. 平均房价在VIC排名No.27.

2. 平均租金在VIC排名No.34.

3. 本区有优秀中小学Shelford Girls' Grammar.

4. 本区的人学历比较高 (本科和大专占10%).

5. 本区较多专业人事 (15%).

6. The percentage of age 60+ people(20%) is high.

7. Many houses in this suburb are Rented(31%).

8. The percentage of age 5 to 19 people(18%) is high.

9. Many houses in this suburb are Fully Owned(45%).

10. 来自德国(2%)的人喜欢居住在本区.

11. 来自南非(3%)的人喜欢居住在本区.

12. There are more Flat(34%) in this suburb.

人口总数 Caulfield North Melbourne
人口 13600 3366613
出生国家 Caulfield North Melbourne
澳洲 62% 65%
海外出生 - 前5位 Caulfield North Melbourne
波兰 6% 1%
英国 3% 5%
南非 3% 0%
德国 2% 1%
新西兰 1% 1%
平均家庭收入 Caulfield North Melbourne
周薪 $1,735 $1,333
年龄统计 Caulfield North Melbourne
20 to 39 30% 33%
40 to 59 26% 28%
60+ 20% 17%
5 to 19 18% 14%
0 to 4 5% 7%
家庭统计 - 前5位 Caulfield North Melbourne
已婚 47% 51%
单身 36% 33%
丧偶 9% 6%
离婚 7% 7%
分居 2% 3%
宗教 - 前5位 Caulfield North Melbourne
犹太教 49% 1%
无宗教 15% 19%
天主教 13% 33%
英国国教 9% 16%
东正教 4% 7%
职业 - 前5位 Caulfield North Melbourne
专业人事 15% 8%
中等 文员/销售/服务员
6% 7%
准专业人事 6% 5%
管理人员 6% 4%
初级 文员/销售/服务员 3% 4%
教育 - 前5位 Caulfield North Melbourne
在职 71% 73%
本科或大专 10% 5%
婴儿/小学 8% 9%
中学 7% 7%
职中 2% 3%
上班交通工具 - 前5位 Caulfield North Melbourne
开车(司机) 28% 28%
在家办公 3% 2%
火车 3% 2%
开车(乘客) 2% 3%
船/电车 1% 1%
住房类型 - 前3位 Caulfield North Melbourne
别墅 49% 74%
公寓 34% 14%
连排别墅 10% 8%
房屋所属 - 前3位 Caulfield North Melbourne
自主产权 45% 43%
租房 31% 24%
正在购买 15% 27%

详情请询: Grace-251839288

(+61)488 380 138




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