【名校分享】加拿大四大艺术学院之:艾米丽卡尔EMILY CARR

2015年09月10日 加拿大留学徐州金吉列



  艾米丽卡尔艺术与设计大学位于不列颠哥伦比亚省的Granville 海岛 _- 一个在温哥华市中心的重要都市公园。Emily Carr 艺术和设计大学为学生提供一个动态创作的环境。学生在其中不仅能获取书本上的知识, 并且能够通过实际操作而成为一名专业艺术家或设计师.


  艾米利卡尔艺术与设计大学现有1250 位学生,其中大部分来自加拿大各省、美国15 个州、以及来自全世界24个国家的国际留学生。学院所教授的课程主要分成三大范围:设计、媒体艺术、视觉艺术。一年级的新生先攻读一年的 "基础" 课程,奠定好理论基础后,从第二年开始,才能继续进修自己的理想专业。

图为加拿大艺术大师Emilry Carr



  共有四座桥梁连接的温哥华市中心,其中Granville Bridge固兰湖大桥下假溪左岸的Granville Island(固兰湖岛),19世纪时曾经是锯木场、铜铁加工厂和货仓,在这些工业没落后,1973年温哥华市府保留仓库外貌,重新规划成多项艺术的展示区。今日在固兰湖岛上各仓库及小巷内穿梭,但见画廊、手工艺品店、造形艺术【包括陶瓷、玻璃、编织、彩绘、纸艺、首饰、印染】等让观光客眼花瞭乱之余更激赏有加,今日的Granville Island已经成为世界知名的文化区,即使不懂艺术,耗个大半天时间在此,必定会有意想不到的收获。此外Granville Island上的Public Market(公众市场)是温哥华三大公有市场之一,尤其生鲜的鱼货即使无法自行烹煮纯欣赏也过瘾。



  设计专业:传媒设计、工业设计    雕塑、陶瓷、

  传媒专业:动画、电影/电视传媒   印刷品/宣传品传媒

  绘画专业:纯绘画、油画、电脑绘画  摄影



Master of Applied Arts (MAA) 运用艺术硕士

Emily Carr offers robust and innovative Master of Applied Arts (MAA) programs in Visual Arts, Media Arts and Design. This professional, terminal degree prepares students to engage in a range of diverse and expanding sectors of culture and creative industry. Graduates from our program will be able to demonstrate significant expertise in the application of creative knowledge in their field. The MAA is naturally interdisciplinary. Courses in research, theory and studio practice integrate methodological threads that span diverse fields of cultural production. Seminars offer a constructive environment for discourse and critique, while a series of lectures and studio visits from renowned artists informs and supplements student practice. Master of Applied Arts cohorts are chosen with attention to the unique combination of attributes students bring, resulting in balanced and dynamic study groups. The MAA is delivered through two distinct but interrelated programs: Resident and Low-Residency. Resident cohorts progress through the program in 21 months of full-time study. Low-Residency cohorts progress through the equivalent program in 28 months, with equally challenging but more flexible delivery model built around 3 summer intensive residencies in Vancouver and rigorous online curriculum.

Master of Design Mdes设计硕士

    Examine and explore the dynamic and ever-changing nature of design.

    Based in Vancouver, BC, Canada, MDes is a two-year, full-time, research-oriented, interdisciplinary degree for creative professionals at the forefront of design. As a graduate, you will be poised to take leadership roles across a diverse range of established and emerging professions.

    Master of Digital Media 数字媒体硕士

      Be at the forefront of the new digital economy.

      Canada's first professional graduate program in the field.

      The jointly delivered Master of Digital Media (MDM) degree is jointly accredited. Delivered by the University of British Columbia, Simon Fraser University, Emily Carr University of Art + Design, and the British Columbia Institute of Technology, this intensive program runs next to the site of our new campus in the Centre for Digital Media in Vancouver, BC. It includes an internship to provide you with real-world projects, leadership experience, and top industry connections.

      The MDM masters is a 12-month (plus internship), full-time program. Guided by top level faculty and industry mentors, you will work closely with clients and peers on team-based projects, gaining the expertise to work at the highest level in the industry as creators, producers, and innovators to fulfill new and expanding digital markets. Work alongside companies such as: Electronic Arts, Autodesk, Microsoft, and Telefonica, or turn your industry project into a successful start-up venture as you graduate.



        2托福: 84 网考 包括:口语 20/30 阅读 20/30 写作18/30 听力20/30

        3CAEL_70%;或 CPE_C;或IELTS_平均分6.5 单项不得低于6 分

        4在进入艾米利卡尔艺术与设计大学的第一年基础课程前,国际学生还需要进行LPI(Language Proficiency Index)的考试。成绩至少要LEVEL4 才可以进行第一年的学习。












        申请人需要提供作品和材料的目录。 目录的内容包括:作品的名称,制作年份,尺寸等。


      1. 学术要求

      →Academic requirements for Master of Design applicants设计硕士学术要求:

      If you are applying to the Master of Design degree, you must hold a recognized 4 year Bachelor of Design, Bachelor Fine Arts, Bachelor of Media Arts, or Bachelor of Architecture degree or a comparable degree/experience.

      →Academic requirements for Master of Applied Arts applicants, Resident + Low Residency


      If you are applying to the Master of Applied Arts degree, Resident or Low Residency, Bachelor of Design, Bachelor Fine Arts, Bachelor of Media Arts, or Bachelor of Architecture degree.

      In addition, you must have demonstrated experience in fine or applied arts.

      Portfolio Requirements


        Show us your stuff!秀一下你的作品

        If you are applying to the Master of Design program, your portfolio should reflect your understanding of design in its contemporary and future contexts and demonstrate how you plan to situate your own research within a range of established and emerging design fields.

        If you are applying to the Master of Applied Arts, Resident or Low Residency program, your portfolio should reflect your understanding of the interdisciplinary emergent forms of cultural production and demonstrate how you plan to situate your research to foster change and contribute to the global cultural community.

        For each program, structure and edit your portfolio submission to present your strongest, most challenging, relative and imaginative work.

        充满艺术气息的格兰威尔岛(Granville Island),不仅是本地居民购物游玩的好去处,也是最受游客喜爱的必游景点之一。无论是去艺廊观看艺术品的制作、到公众市场购物、在儿童水上乐园享受清凉的童趣、在露天公园的长椅上小坐、或者观看一两场街头艺人的精彩表演,都可以感受到那份优游自在的悠闲心境。如果你想体验一下奢华,这里还可以租赁游艇的,福溪(False River)岸边停靠着各式私人游艇。如果想体验下田园式的生活,也可以划划独木舟。同时也可以一览这一带的公寓楼,一路都是价值不菲的豪宅。



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