EAL王牌教师James Yao考前秘籍之Conflict论文分析

2015年09月10日 高中生补习联盟Australia



题目:Conflict can change and damage people.

 Introduction

 第一句:给conflict定性

 第二句:用自己的话把题目解释一下

 第三句之后:立场 + 3个分论点

When encountering conflict, everyone’s reactions are


Some people experience huge changes when dealing with

conflict, and others may be destroyed by conflict.

- 基本同意题目: This is because the impacts of conflict

are widely felt and the power generated in conflict can

be significant enough to cause negative changes. In the

meantime, conflict is often brutal and inhumane, which

can lead to physical and emotional damages. However,

some conflicts, when resolved, can in fact lead to

positive changes to individuals and the society.

- 基本不同意题目:Although this can be seen in some

people, the view may not be universally true. Some

conflicts can in fact strengthen people’s willpower, so

no change will take place. In addition, instead of being

damaging, some conflicting may incur positive effects

on individuals and the society。


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