【美国百老汇】导演− Julie Taymor

2016年12月13日 美国驻华大使馆


#美国百老汇#−导演− Julie Taymor。Julie Taymor 是第一位除获托尼奖最佳服装设计奖之外又因导演音乐剧而荣获极负盛名的托尼奖的女性。 她最为人知的是为百老汇热门音乐剧狮子王进行舞台创意。 Julie Taymor生于马萨诸塞州牛顿的一个犹太家庭。她在孩提时代便对戏剧产生兴趣,青少年时代便往返于世界各地,在印度和巴黎学习戏剧。作为优秀毕业生从欧柏林大学毕业后,她赢得Watson奖学金,赴日本学习学习实验戏剧、木偶剧和视觉戏剧。在印度尼西亚她创立了一家假面舞团,之后她返回美国。除狮子王之外,她还导演舞台剧、音乐剧和电影。百老汇的木偶剧如何改变了体验?

#AmericanBroadway# - Director -  Julie Taymor 

Best known for her creative staging of the Broadway hit musical, The Lion King, Julie Taymor is the first woman to win the prestigious Tony Award for directing a musical in addition to a Tony Award for Original Costume Design.  The daughter of Jewish parents from Newton, Massachusetts, she had an early childhood interest in the theater and traveled the world as a teenager studying theater in India and Paris.  After graduating with honors from Oberlin College, she received a Watson Fellowship to study experimental theater, puppetry and visually oriented theater in Japan. While in Indonesia she developed a mask/dance company, and returned to the United States.  In addition to The Lion King, she has directed plays, operas and films.  How does puppetry in Broadway shows change the experience?

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