
2016年12月13日 美国高中生







1. 自我介绍



“Hello, how are you today? My name is ……. I’m still learning English so please let me know if I make any mistakes.”


“Good morning! We always have coffee at the same time but we’ve never spoken before. My name is …….”

“Hi Angela. You might not remember me but we met at Tom’s Christmas party last year. I’m …….”

2. 聊点万年不会出错的话题


“Did you watch the Oscars last week? I can’t believe Leonardo DiCaprio finally won one!”

“This weather is crazy! It was cold yesterday and today I came in with an open jacket. I hope it stays warm, don’t you?”

“That basketball game yesterday had me glued to my seat. Wasn’t that a great save at the very end?”

3. “今天过的怎么样?”


How was your day? / How has your day been so far?

How have you been feeling today?

What have you been doing today?

Has anything exciting happened today?

What are you planning for after work?

Are you doing anything fun after work?


“Good morning! I went camping on Saturday, and of course it rained all day. Was your weekend any better?”

“The day is almost over! Do you have any interesting plans for the evening?”


“Hey there. You look like you’re having a rough day. I hope it gets better for you.”

4. 真诚的赞美


“I love your shoes today, they really pull your outfit together.”

这肯定要比直接说“you are beautiful”更加让人开心啦。

“Did you see? They finally fixed the light in the break room. It’s been broken for almost a month!”

“Hey Pam, your cookies last night were delicious! Thank you for making them for the party.”


5. 抓住共同点



“My cousin mentioned you last night. I didn’t know you knew her! Where did you meet?”

“I noticed your hat has a Yankees logo. Are you a fan of baseball too?”

“I tried baking cookies like yours last night and they came out terrible. How do you make them so good?”


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