
2015年06月03日 墨尔本自驾游

墨尔本自驾游 ID: meldriveyourself






随着数字化设计在车身设计中越来越得到重视,品牌标识元素在车内将会得到更加充分地展现。从今以后VolkswagenHead和Volkswagen Text将会替代旧的VW HeadlineOT和VW Utopia成为大众的品牌字体。

从1997沿用至今的旧VW Headline字体很大程度上是基于Futura理念进行设计的。其历史要追溯到上世纪1927年------Futura由Paul Renner操刀,是现代主义设计的代表。在那个年代Futura代表了对工业化的推崇与致敬,而工业4.0的概念都出现的当下,各类工业与技术早已成为我们生活中稀松平常而不可或缺的部分。现在来看虽然Futura并不老气,但是过于偏向几何化(如圆度极高的“o“和一横一竖干净利落的“t“)。显然新的VolkswagenHead字体同当代美学更加契合。

同时,这也意味着 VW Utopia, 一种衬线字体,将从大众品牌的设计中消失。

从直观对比上我们也很容易可以发现,新的Volkswagen Head提供了更令人愉悦的字体样式。像是“f“和“t“的弯钩给人以技术亲和感,正与大众品牌的形象相符;字母中间部分长度的增高也使得大写与小写字母之间的比例更加协调;圈环部分(如“e“上半部的空白部分)被缩小,也使得字体样式显得更和谐。

Volkswagen Text字体的字母被雕塑得更窄、更紧凑。得益于调整后的宽度,新的字体和之前的VW Utopia相比,能节省更多空间。



Very few drivers might probably realize that the VWbrand name will appear in the advertising and communications in future in adifferent font.

But nevertheless, this change represents a turningpoint for the brand because the new typography changes the whole appearance ofthe brand significantly.

And it won’t only be featured in the brand’sstationery and brochures, it will be found on every new VW’s dashboard, centerstack, and infotainment system, as well. VW says it is “more contemporary, lessgeometric, and features dynamic contrast.” And that it is “inspired by VW’sdistinctive vehicle design.”

But is it true?

With the increasingly digital design of dashboards,brand-stamping elements are more and more integrated inside the vehicle.

From now on the present brand fonts VolkswagenHead and Volkswagen Text will take over the old VW Headline OTand VW Utopia.

The old VW Headline which is largely based onthe Futura and is since 1997 typeface of the Volkswagen brand, give place forthe VW Head. Paul Renner designed Furtura in 1927 as a praise andtribute to the ongoing industrialization. However, in our present era, whenIndustry 4.0 the idea is even brought about, industry and techonology alreadybecome an essential part of our life, Furtuna does not look old-fashioned orout-of-date. But obviously the new VWHead is more likely to correspond to a contemporary image of aesthetics,not as the geometrically shaped Futura.

That also means that the VW Utopia, a serif font, disappears from the corporate design ofthe VW brand.

In the direct comparison it becomes clear that thenew VW Head ensures a more pleasing typeface. Slants, such in the f andt, give the impression of technology affinity, of course discreet and inharmony with the VW-brand understanding. The middle length of the letters wasraised, so that the ratio between majuscules (capital letters) and minuscules(small letters) is more in chime, whereby loopwholes are closed so that thetypeface seems to appear more harmonious.

The letters of the VW Text are narrower cut.Thanks to thus generated lower run width, the new typeface is more space-savingthan the existing text font VW Utopia.

In general, the new fonts areeasier to recognize and more user-friendly. The correspondence, in my idea, isan evolutionary change, not revolutionary. The special feature consists in thefact that the new corporate typeface family find intermedially application, soin print, web, apps and even in the vehicles to provide a 360° brandexperience.

This, for a brand and corporation workingon PR and eager to become the best selling one in the world, is obviouslysignificant.

via @汽车人侃世界

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