
2018年01月02日 长春市实验中学加拿大高中


       Adhering to the concept of education of adult,  the international division of Changchun Experimental High School attached great importance to the work of education, aiming to cultivate students with noble spirit. This semester, the moral education management team made some adjustment, the system of the moral education curriculum is involved itself in the rich and colorful campus activities.Following the theme of"Thanksgiving" and "challenge" in November, we held the class meeting in December which focused on the themes of "dedication" and "self-discipline", respectively for the moral education, moral education research coupled with theme activity made by the class.

首先11年的学生根据“什么是奉献”“关于奉献的名言警句”“社会上的奉献”和“生活中的奉献”具体展开。同门们了解了奉献的意义:奉献,是一种爱,是对自己事业的不求回报的爱和全身心的付出。对个人而言,就是要在这份爱的召唤之下,把本职工作当成一项事业来热爱和完成,从点点滴滴中寻找乐趣。并且一起讨论了社会中具有奉献精神的人和事情。在班会中同学们畅所欲言,各抒己见。在一种愉悦欢快的环境中更加理解了奉献精神。同时11A的同学们感恩于班主任Angie带病坚持工作,同学们也更加明白了奉献精神。他们说在今后的生活中会更加帮助同学,并希望把自己的力量奉献给社会 ,为人类发展做贡献。做一个具有奉献精神的人。

Students in Grade 11 were based on "what is dedication," "dedication," "social dedication" and "dedication to life".They also knew the mean of dedication. For the individual, it is to love and complete the job as a career, in the call of love, to find the fun from the drops,and they discussed the story about dedication .In the class meeting, students spoke freely and expressed their views at the same time, the students of 11A were grateful to the head teacher Angie for the work, and the students also understood the spirit of dedication.They said they would help their classmates more in the future, and they hoped to devote their strength to the society and contribute to human development.and to be a dedicated person.


The purpose of self-discipline is "self-love, self-examination, self-control".In order to make students develop their noble moral sentiment and good psychological quality and healthy personality,The 10th grade held the "self-discipline" theme class meeting.Students were divided into three aspects: "life", "study" and "interpersonal communication. Self-discipline in life, control of class discipline, picking up litter on the ground, keeping the table clean and so on;In terms of learning, the expression of self-discipline is to record the study notes carefully, encounter understood timely questions and so on.The students discussed these issues and set an auditing standard for themselves.Then monitor, the head teacher summed up the meeting.During this class meeting, the students realized the importance of self-discipline.




编辑:Anna & Croft


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