
2018年07月31日 TTL星腾科高端留美



从而自2004年起发布了“The Three Books”项目 ,三本书计划指每个暑假斯坦福大学都会列出三本他们认为整个新生社区都应该阅读与讨论的书籍。随后,学校还会在迎新周期间组织同学们与各位作者进行圆桌讨论,听取他们的观点

即将步入美国学府的同学们,这个暑假正是你们进行充电的大好时机,而斯坦福大学的“The Three Books”计划就能够提升你的批判性思维,以及对美国高等教育的适应能力










Native Speaker 《母语人士》
In Native Speaker, author Chang-rae Lee introduces readers to Henry Park. Park has spent his entire life trying to become a true American—a native speaker. 

But even as the essence of his adopted country continues to elude him, his Korean heritage seems to drift further and further away. Native Speaker is a story of cultural alienation. It is about fathers and sons, about the desire to connect with the world rather than stand apart from it, about loyalty and betrayal, about the alien in all of us and who we finally are.

作者介绍从小说处女作《母语人士》(Native Speaker)开始,韩裔美国作家李昌来(Chang-rae Lee)写了很多在美国的移民经历。他1965年出生于韩国,三岁移民美国。当前在普林斯顿大学担任写作教授。他是五部小说的作者:Native Speaker(1995);A Gesture Life(1999); Aloft(2004); 普利策奖的入围作品TheSurrendered; Heartland小说奖获奖作品On Such a Full Sea(2014)。 他的小说曾获得过无数奖项和引文,其中包括海明威基金会/笔会奖,美国图书奖,巴恩斯和诺布尔发现奖,ALA年度杰出书籍奖,Anisfield-Wolf文学奖,Gustavus Myers杰出书籍奖 ,以及NAIBA小说类图书奖。 他还为“纽约客”,“纽约时报”,“时代”(亚洲),格兰塔,康德纳斯特旅行者,美食与葡萄酒等众多出版物撰写故事和文章。

Brother, I'm Dying

From the age of four, award-winning writer Edwidge Danticat came to think of her uncle Joseph as her “second father,” when she was placed in his care after her parents left Haiti for America. 

And so she was both elated and saddened when, at twelve, she joined her parents and youngest brothers in New York City. As Edwidge made a life in a new country, adjusting to being far away from so many who she loved, she and her family continued to fear for the safety of those still in Haiti as the political situation deteriorated.

In 2004, they entered into a terrifying tale of good people caught up in events beyond their control. Brother, I’m Dying is an astonishing true-life epic, told on an intimate scale by one of our finest writers.

作者介绍Edwidge Danticat创作了许多书籍,其中包括“纽约时报”著名书籍Claire of the Sea Light。另外,还有国家图书评论界奖得主和国家图书奖入围作品Brother, I’m Dying,; 奥普拉书俱乐部的精选书籍Eyes, Memory, an Oprah Book Club selection ; 国家图书奖入围作品Krik? Krak!,; 美国图书奖获奖作品The Farming of Bones; 除此之外,她还著有The Dew Breaker,PEN / Faulkner奖入围作品以及首届故事奖获奖作品。作为麦克阿瑟奖学金的获得者,她的作品多次出版在“纽约客”,“纽约时报”等刊物上。

Signs Preceding the End of the World

Signs Preceding the End of the World is one of the most arresting novels to be published in Spanish in the last ten years. Yuri Herrera does not simply write about the border between Mexico and the United States and those who cross it. 

He explores the crossings and translations people make in their minds and language as they move from one country to another, especially when there’s no going back.

Traversing this lonely territory is Makina, a young woman who knows only too well how to survive in a violent, macho world.  Leaving behind her life in Mexico to search for her brother, she is smuggled into the USA carrying a pair of secret messages – one from her mother and one from the Mexican underworld.

作者介绍Yuri Herrera 于1970年出生于墨西哥的Actopan,他曾在墨西哥学习政治学,在埃尔帕索学习Creative Writing,并在伯克利获得文学博士学位。他的第一部以英文出版的小说“Signs Preceding the End of the World”于2015年发表。此书受到了极大的赞誉,并被列入许多年度最佳名单,其中包括“卫报”的最佳小说和NBC新闻的十大拉丁裔书籍, 它赢得了2016年最佳翻译图书奖。 他目前在新奥尔良的杜兰大学任教。


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