12月24~26日, 25~27日 藍山滑雪 泡温泉 $148起

2015年12月13日 加拿大圣诺旅游

◆2015年 12月24~26、25~27日 藍山度假村 雪上聖誕 三日之旅

一 年一度的 Blue Moutain 雪上圣诞活动又来了!今年俱乐部准备了三天团供不同需求的朋友选择,先到先得,额满为止! Blue Mountain 位于多伦多以北Georgian湾地区, 因拥有安省最高山峰和绵延超过4公里的滑雪跑道使其成为安省最大滑雪场,其12 部缆车, 34 条 Trail,冬天成为滑雪爱好者的乐园,夏天则是度假消遣、越野自行车手的好去处。Blue Moutain滑雪场的宾馆,有各种娱乐设备,游戏机,桌球,室内泳池,酒吧,餐厅,可爱的室外温泉...晚上外面飘著漫天飞雪,人们或泡在热气腾腾的温 泉里面享受,或漫步犹如童话梦境般的欧陆风情度假村购物消遣,或乘缆车上山欣赏万家灯火滑个夜场,尽享浪漫与刺激。

行程安排:第一天 上午出發
8:00am 密市中国城九龙壁前
8:30am 中区唐人街文华中心门前
9:00am Fairview Mall,Don Mills subway station pick up zone地 图
圣诺万锦分店8791 Woodbine Av.Tim H ortons南侧. 地图
12:00pm 沿途滑雪场滑雪碟(25号不开放);中式自助午餐(自费)
2:30pm 抵達Blue Mountain,入住宾馆; 滑雪或泡温泉

第二天 滑雪或泡温泉,自由活动

第三天 滑雪或泡温泉,自由活动; 4:30pm 返程
7: 30pm 抵達多倫多

三天团 12月24~26 或 25~27日: A 团为标准间酒店房间, B,C,D 团为度假村酒店房间 每人
A团 4人1房 $148
3人1房 $195
2人1房 $245
1人1房 $415
B团 4人1房 $168 3人1房 $235
2人1房 $288
1人1房 $499
C 4人1房 $198 3人1房 $2652人1房 $330 1人1房 $650
D团 6人1房 $178
5人1房 $215
4人1房 $265 3人1房 $330

+ 23%TAX

现有房间数量(Available seats ) 可跟团 或 自驾

A 团 (Inn Hotel room)--12月24、25两晚 或 25、26两晚

B 团 (Village studio)-- 12月24、25两晚 或 25、26两晚

C 团 (village 1 bed room) -- 12月24、25两晚 或 25、26两晚

D 团 (village 2 bed room) -- 12月224、25两晚 或 25、26两晚

购票时每房须购买两张或以上 Beginner package(One day package includes 包括: rentals 靴子、滑板、手杖等滑雪设备租赁, beginner lift ticket 全天初级可至半山的缆车票 and drop-in lesson circuit 初级教练课程.)圣诺特惠 $79+13%HST (原价:$89+13%HST)




A: Blue Mountain Inn Open- concept Inn rooms are appointed with multi-media wall unit with built in desk area, mini fridge, table and chair. Bedding in the unit consists of two double beds

Blue Mountain Inn rooms feature three piece baths with shower (no bathtub).

Room Amenities
Air-conditioning, flat screen cable TV, clock radio, Wi-Fi, hairdryer, Iron/ironing board, mini fridge, coffee maker, three piece bath with shower only, desk and chair.

Maximum occupancy is 4.

B: Studio suites Stylish open- concept studio units featuring a kitchenette and living area. Bedding in the unit consists of one queen bed and one double sofa bed. Studio suites feature one bathroom.

Room Amenities
Air-conditioning, cable TV, clock radio, Wi-Fi, hairdryer, Iron/ironing board, kitchenette consisting of bar fridge, sink, microwave, coffee maker, toaster, dishes, glassware & cutlery for 4 settings, soaker tub, sofa bed, table and chairs, Portable DVD player available upon request.

Maximum occupancy is 4.

C: One bedroom suites provide more room and privacy in an open-concept space. Each unit offers guests full kitchen facilities. Living area with sofa, arm chairs, fireplace and flat screen TV. Bedding in the unit consists of one queen or king bed in a private bedroom and one double sofa bed. One bedroom suites have one bathroom.

Room Amenities
Air-conditioning, balcony/patio/, cable TV, clock radio, Wi-Fi, fireplace (gas), hairdryer, Iron/ironing board, full kitchen consisting of fridge, stove, microwave, coffee maker, toaster, dishwasher, dishes, glassware & cutlery for 4 settings, soaker tub, sofa bed, table and chairs, Portable DVD player available upon request.

Maximum occupancy is 4.

D: Two bedroom suites Beautifully spacious suites perfect for travelling with friends or family. Each suite provides guests with full kitchen facilities, open-concept living area with sofa, arm chairs, fireplace and flat screen TV. Bedding in the unit consists of one queen or king bed in the first bedroom and one queen or two twin beds in the second bedroom, as well as a pull-out sofa in the living room. The majority of two bedroom suites feature two bathrooms, one of which is an ensuite.

Room Amenities
Air-conditioning, balcony/patio/, cable TV, clock radio, Wi-Fi, fireplace (gas), hairdryer, Iron/ironing board, full kitchen consisting of fridge, stove, microwave, coffee maker, toaster, dishwasher, dishes, glassware & cutlery for 6 settings, soaker tub, sofa bed, table and chairs, Portable DVD player available upon request.

Maximum occupancy is 6.

购票时每房须购买至少两张 Beginner package(Package includes: rentals, beginner lift ticket and drop-in lesson circuit.)





(1) Finch & Midland 第一广场 4168 Finch Ave. E. 顶层 PH18 M1S 5H6 416-840-7234

(2) HW7 & Woodbine 8791 Woodbine Ave. Suite 204 L3R 0P4 416-840-9389

选择二: RBC 皇家银行 网上转帐

如果您在RBC皇家银行有开户,这是最简便快捷的方法。可以进入您自己的网上银行账号,选择“Pay bills and transfer funds", to "other Royal Bank Customer" , 输入转账金额及我们的银行账号和账户名做一个网上转账,完成后请马上致电416-840-7234,以便确认。

帐户名:ShengNuo Tours RBC 银行帐号:01334--1010636

选择三:RBC 皇家银行分行柜台交费

即使您没有在RBC皇家 银行开户,如果您附近有RBC皇家银行,也可以到任何一间分行柜台行直接交费,无手续费。

存款到我们的银行账号,完成后请马上致电 416-840-7234,以便确认。

帐户名:ShengNuo Tours RBC 银行帐号:01334--1010636


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收款人Recipients: ShengNuo, E-mail : [email protected]


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