
2015年12月06日 美国留学顾问Lilly

Claudia 钢琴弹了11年,同时她也给小朋友上钢琴课。她在心理学家的指导下,帮助自闭症的孩子。她是高中数学俱乐部的主席,参加过大学的学术项目,曾经到其他国家做交换生。有爱心,有社会责任感,有领导力,学术出色。

SAT 阅读 740 数学 780
SAT II 数学 780 生物 670
ACT 33 GPA 4.2

麻省理工学院 (录取并入读)
芝加哥大学 (录取)
康奈尔大学 (录取)
纽约大学 (录取)
莱斯大学 (候补)
耶鲁大学 (拒信)
布朗大学 (拒信)
Essay Topic: Please write something that will help us get to know you better.
It is a statistical fact that about three percent of babies are born breech. It has not been determined, however, whether prenatal upside-downness affects spatial orientation during the rest of the baby’s life. But in my case, reversed entryinto the world appears responsible for at least one significant subsequent event.

During my twelfth year of life, while attending a performing arts summer camp in New York, talent scouts from Nickelodeon Studios in Orlando arrived on campus to search for kids possessing unusual and entertaining talents. I didn't give it much thought until a bunkmate reminded me of my unique skill: I had developed, after considerable practice, an ability to play piano upside-down. To do so, I would position my back and shoulders on the piano bench and reach up to the keys with crossed forearms. Along with 350 other hopeful campers, I stood in line to show off my talent, aspiring to become the next Nickelodeon television star.

Foolishly, I was ecstatic when I received a phone call from casting agents three months later inviting me to participate in the pilot episode of Figure It Out, a show inwhich kids with unique talents appear before a panel of so-called celebritieswho try to guess the hidden talent through a series of yes/no questions.

Despite dreams of astylish arrival via Nickelodeon's private jet, my parents packed up the family minivan, and we arrived three hours later in Orlando, Florida.

Upon arriving atthe sound stage, I was whisked down a corridor. As I neared a room labeled"Hair and Makeup," what sounded like the tantrum of a spoiled child became louder. When the door opened, I was surprised to see the back of the bleached-blond head of a grown woman, obviously infuriated, surrounded by hairstylists and makeup artists. When she heard me enter, she stopped arguing abruptly and swiveled her chair to greet me with a huge, collagen-enhanced smile.

"Hello, I'm your host Summer Sanders!" she announced a little too cheerfully. "You must be our special guest! I hear you have a special talent. But don't tell anyone. It's a . . .shhhhhhh… secret." With that, she grabbed a vat of Vaseline, smeared it across her front teeth, and walked out the door.

With my "specialness" confirmed, I was subjected to a complete makeover. The stylists repeatedly complemented my features yet painted over each of themuntil they were no longer recognizable as my own. (I still don't understand whyI needed a pedicure when I would be wearing sneakers.)

Later, in the coffee room, while searching for any reading material besides Nickelodeon Magazine, I stumbled upon something that solidified the experience as one thatwould forever change my conception of the world: there, lying next to the sink,was the script for my show! The show, whose essence was spontaneity and suspense, was entirely a sham. Although to the viewers the celebrities'comments appeared cleverly improvised, each word had been carefully crafted,and even the destiny of the player, pre-determined. To my simultaneous horrorand glee, amongst the final words of the script were "Claudia wins!"

I learned a lesson that proved to be a guiding principle for my life. My realization that FigureIt Out, a seemingly innocent children's show, was nothing more than aderivative, commercialized, and manipulative institution, was the equivalent of many children's realization that the tooth fairy is a myth. As children, we look up to those older than us for the paradigm of how we ought to live ourlives. As each facade was unveiled, my perception of the adult world was transformed. Figure It Out has become, for me, a metaphor that has helped me toidentify the kind of person I strive not to become — one who is deceptive,hypocritical, and superficial. Thus, it has helped me understand the kind ofperson I hope to be. It helped me to "figure it out."


录取学生的过程中,注重申请人与学校的匹配度。看申请人是否理解MIT的理念,创造更好的世界,例子如辅导一个孩子数学;贡献和合作精神,团队甚至是跨部门合作是很经常发生的,你是如何创建和促成一个合作的环境氛围;主动,勇于挑战自我,抓住身边的机会;冒险精神,无惧失败;创造力,真正的研究者;热情,关注力,好奇心;做好平衡,work hard,play hard。

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