【美国多样化】– 散居社区 – 加利福尼亚州戴利城的菲律宾人

2017年01月25日 美国驻华大使馆

(photo credit: Pistahan)

加利福尼亚州旧金山南部的戴利城(Daly City)也被亲切地称为“菲律宾之都”(Pinoy Capital)。这座城市位于硅谷的心脏地带,40%的居民具有菲律宾血统,该城的菲律宾人/菲律宾裔美国人密度高居美国各个城市之首。


美国的散居社区经常向其原籍国汇款,并组织社群回馈其原籍国。如今,菲律宾散居群体通过诸如PhilDev和Gawad Kalinga USA等组织对菲律宾的经济和社区发展做出贡献。



#AmericanDiversity – Diaspora: Filipinos in Dale City, California 

Daly City, south of San Francisco, CA is also known affectionately as the “Pinoy Capital.” Located in the heart of Silicon Valley, 40% of the city residents are of Filipino descent, the highest concentration of Filipino/Filipino Americans of any city in America. 

The greatest numbers of Filipino Americans live in California and Hawaii. When Filipino Americans began to immigrate to the United States in 1903, they were colonial residents and regarded as U.S. nationals. The earliest Filipinos immigrated to the United States as students, workers, and as members of the U.S. military. 

Diaspora communities in the United States frequently send remittances and organize their communities to give back to their country of origin. Today, the Filipino diaspora contributes to economic and community development in the Philippines through organizations such as PhilDev and Gawad Kalinga USA.

What makes the Filipino diaspora community in the United States strong? To learn more about Filipino Immigrants in the United States, see (eng): http://www.migrationpolicy.org/article/filipino-immigrants-united-states 

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