【美国多样化】– 散居社区 – 布哈拉犹太人

2017年01月06日 美国驻华大使馆

唐杜里泥烤炉(tandoor oven)最常见于印度和巴基斯坦烹饪,但在布哈拉传统烹饪中也很常用。在皇后区雷哥公园的Rokhat犹太面包店,面包师使用唐杜里泥烤炉烘制面包。烤一个面包需要10-15分钟。这些面包被用于每周安息日(Shabbat)的仪式中。 (© David Finkelstein)

#美国多样化# – 散居社区 – 布哈拉犹太人

纽约市历来是美国的犹太人生活中心之一。纽约犹太社区的一个活跃部分是皇后区(Queens)森林小丘(Forest Hills)的布哈拉犹太人(Bukharian Jew)。




#AmericanDiversity – Diaspora Communities – Bukharian Jews 

New York city has historically been one of America’s centers for Jewish life.  A thriving part of the Jewish community in New York is the Bukharian Jews in Forest Hills Queens.  

Bukharians, an ethno-religious group who immigrated mostly from Central Asia’s Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, now number over 50,000 in the United States.  They interact well with their Asian, Hispanic and African American neighbors as well as with Muslim immigrants from the same region.  

At the Bukharian Jewish Community Center or in neighborhood Bukharian restaurants, their language, music and cultural traditions are celebrated and preserved.  How long has the Bukharian Jewish community been in the United States? 

To learn more about them, see (ch): http://go.usa.gov/x92yb 

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