【原创 · Dina老师】SWT 如何提取核心信息

2018年01月12日 曼拓教育

很多同学看到Summarize written text 的评分要求都会倍感压力, 担心不能满足5-75个字一句话的要求。 其实这只是一个语法上的而要求, 英文的句子只要连接词使用恰当, 是可以无限长的!

首先明确一下, 不要尝试只用一个动词来概况。 因为很多文章已经蕴含了多层意思, 只用一个动词无法概括所有内容。 做题时应该理清文章思路,把主要的意意思/分点概括出来之后在通过连续句子的方式连接在一起, 这样就更饱满了。

文章的第一段都是很重要。通常有三种情况: 1. Outline 式开头,这样的开头已经把文章摘要或者概括了大意了, 在SWT 里比较少见。2. 故事式(以事件, 观点) 这样的开头,其实是一个hook, 目的是交代一下背景或者吸引读者兴趣而已,并不需要概, 其后面接着的讨论才是重点。 3. 直入主题式, 这样的首段, 是很明显的topic specific的, 一开始就出现关键字, 围绕着主题展开, 这样的段落是要概括的。

另外,英文文章大多数都是progression的。 每一个句子在文章都有不同角色, 有一些是作为topic sentence 引出观点, 有一些只是supporting point用以支持挂点。 SWT中,只要概括大意就可以了, 不需要包含细节的内容。 因此理清文章脉络, 找出关键句子、意思尤为重要。

下面我们以一道真题为例, 讲解一下做题的思维过程。


With an abundance of low priced labour relative to the United States. It is no surprise that China, India and other developing countries specialize in the production of labour intensive products. //(2) For similar reasons, the United States will specialize in the production of goods that are human and physical capital intensive because of the relative abundance of a highly educated labour force and technically sophisticated equipment in the United States.

这个首段很明显是直入主题式的。一开始已经有明显的话题词。这段话的中间的短语 “for similar reasons” 说明短语前后句子的关系是平等的, 因此都需要概括出来,我们可以用一个对比或者让步的从句把句子连接起来, 由于后文还有其他的信息, 而这两句的意思又相对明确, 因此在句末可添加“;” 或者“, and” 方便接后面的句子。

Developing countries specialize in production of labour intensive products, while United states specialize in the human and physical intensive product;/(, and)


(3) This division of global production should yield higher global output of both types of goods than would be the case if each country attempted to produce both of these goods itself. (4) For example, the United States would produce more expensive labour intensive goods because of its more expensive labour and the developing countries would produce more expensive human and physical capital-intensive goods because of their relative scarcity of these inputs. (5) This logic implies that the United States is unlikely to be a significant global competitor in the production green technologies that are not relatively intensive in human and physical capital.

句(3)中的“this” 是承接上文内容, 表明第二段是第一段的延伸。 句(3) 也是这一段topic sentence, 可以直接取其意思。 后文从for example 其都是对topic sentence 的解析,可以省略。 这一段取句(3)的前半句即可。 因为第一二段已经讲完一个意思了 ,因此可以用‘;’ 来暂时停顿句子。

such division of global production should yield higher global output; 


(6)Nevertheless, during the early stages of the development of a new technology, the United States has a comparative advantage in the production of the products enabled by this innovation. (7)However, once theses technologies become well understood and production processes are designed that can make use of less skilled labour; production will migrate to countries with less expensive labour.

第三段句首的连接词有带来新的转折关系, 这个转折是对前面两个段落的转变,因此需要独立概括。 句中的however, 又带出另一层意思, 因此也要概括。



the United States has comparative advantage in the production of new products enabled by innovation, but the production will migrate to developing countries when the production became well understood.

因此整合上文, 大概用了60字的篇幅就可以概括全文了。





保七争八突破班 由曼拓教育主管—Jeremy亲自带队,老师们都是英语专业八级的大神!





只有机经哪够,课上老师们带你争分夺秒,课下我们还有打卡群哦, 小伙伴们和曼拓姐一起监督你好好学习


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