
2014年05月30日 墨尔本流浪汉

Hi everybody thanks for reading my short profile. I’m teacher Rafael Parker; some of my student’s call me Raf (“R-A-F”). I’m already 36 years old but others say that I look younger than my age. It is because I take life to the fullest. I also enjoy my life as a facetious guy. Henceforth I also enjoy fun activities with my family my kids and my 3 dog’s, I love playing with them. Aside from that I also love teaching; it has already been my passion for almost a year now. I already taught several students around the world through the internet. But most of my students are Chinese; learning English from me is just not enhancing your vocabulary, nor your grammar skills are corrected, and your mispronounce words are often standardized; and moreover you’re reading comprehension becomes accurate. But most importantly building your confidence, because I do believe the more confident you are, in using English language as your second language. The better you become an English speaker yourself. Nothing is impossible just keep on practicing English and using it more often. For me two words are essential from learning English, which are Practice and Confidence. So anybody who wants to learn English the fun way, what are you waiting for!!! englishtutors101, by Teacher Parker we will be waiting for you! http://shop108496962.taobao.com/

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