学习“Zero-Based thinking”,及时止损,不做事后诸葛亮!(上)

2015年08月11日 图南英语

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How to Use ‘Zero Based Thinking’ When Making Hard Decisions

先来介绍一下,什么是“Zero Based Thinking”呢?(先自己读一下)

Zero-based thinking is a core concept of self-help author and motivational speaker Brian Tracy that allows you to start over by calling "time out" in your life and work. It enables you to kill off procrastination and/or instantly create a turn around if you are heading down the wrong path. You are the sculptor of your life. You have the right and freedom to carve out the best possible setting for living your life. Let nothing interfere with this, least of all circumstances and the resultant feelings of frustration or melancholy. Zero based thinking helps enormously in designing the life you want to live.

翻译:Zero-based thinking 是自助书作家、激励演说家Brian Tracy所推崇的核心概念。这种思考方式让你有机会在工作和学习中暂停,并且重新开始。它能够帮助你解决拖延症并且/或者在你方向错误的时候,帮你迅速扭转方向。让你成为自己生活的塑造者。你拥有为自己创造最好生活可能性的权利和自由。不要让任何事情干扰你,至少不要让你的环境和沮丧或者忧伤的混合情绪左右你。Zero-based thinking 在帮你塑造自己想要的生活方面有巨大贡献。


Zero-based thinking is a core concept of self-help author and motivational speaker Brian Tracy that allows you to start over by calling "time out" in your life and work.

1. self-help books 自助书

解释:Self-help book is one that is written with the intention to instruct its readers on solving personal problems. The books take their name from Self-Help, an 1859 best-seller by Samuel Smiles, but are also known and classified under "self-improvement", a term that is a modernized version of self-help.


2. motivational speaker

解释:A motivational speaker or inspirational speaker is a speaker who makes speeches intended to motivate or inspire an audience.

可以理解为“打鸡血”的演讲;很多成功企业家(马云、陈欧)、著名主持人(杨澜、鲁豫),甚至培训学校的老师(俞敏洪、罗永浩)都是很好的motivational speaker。 雅思口语中:可用于形容人

3. 句式 allows sb to do sth

关于“allow‘的主要用法有以下两个,此句中使用的是第二种“give the necessary time or opportunity for”。



1. let (someone) have or do something."The dissident was allowed to leave the country"

synonyms: permit, let, authorize, give someone permission to, give authorization to, give leave to, sanction, grant, grant someone the right, license, empower, enable, entitle, qualify

2. give the necessary time or opportunity for. "They agreed to a ceasefire to allow talks with the government" "the house was demolished to allow for road widening"

synonyms:provide for, plan for, make plans for, get ready for, cater for, take into consideration, take into account, make provision for, make preparations for, prepare for, accommodate, make allowances for, make concessions for, arrange for

在雅思写作当中,同学们要学会用allow去替换“give sb an opportunity”或者是“can”


· However, the parents who do not allow their children sufficient freetime for leisure activities outside school hours, are misguided.

· They are allowed to have whatever they want, regardless of price, and tobehave as they please.

· But whether these characteristics are able to develop within thepersonality of an individual surely depends on whether the circumstances allow such a development.


4. “time-out"

翻译:暂停,常用在体育比赛中,男同学应该不会陌生。很相似的用法是time's up,表示时间结束,常用语考试场景。


It enables you to kill off procrastination and/or instantly create a turn around if you are heading down the wrong path.

1. enable sb to do sth 句式


2. kill off procrastination


3. create a turn around


turnaround (noun)

1. an abrupt or unexpected change, especially one that results in a more favourable situation.

"it was a remarkable turnaround in his fortunes"

2. the process of completing or the time needed to complete a task, especially one involving receiving something, processing it, and sending it out again.

"short hops with quick turnarounds and limited in-flight service"

造个句子:比如很多在我们这里上过课的同学考过拿到PR之后都会说这么一句:The study with Sean had created a turn around in my life. 你学会了吗?


如何做到“Zero Based Thinking”呢?

Step1: Face up to those difficult decisions!


Zero-Based Thinking puts previous decisions you made on trial. It requires you to examine all your current activities––business, career, relationships etc., and ask yourself the question: “Knowing What I Know Now (KWIKN), would I still make the same decision? Would you get into that relationship, start the same business; make that investment etc., again”? If the answer to this question is “No!”, then the very next step is to ask yourself “how do I get out of this and how fast”? In other words, revert to zero and start from scratch. This is the ultimate ‘drawing a line in the sand’ personal development exercise.

Zero-Based Thinking goes against traditional dogma of sticking with something even if it does more personal damage to you than good, which is often one of the biggest problems in personal strategic planning, namely attempting to make something work that you wouldn’t even have gotten into in the first place had you known better.

解释:Knowing What I Know Now (KWIKN), would I still make the same decision? Would you get into that relationship, start the same business; make that investment etc., again

这就是Zero-Based thinking 的核心了。也就是说如果你知道了最终的结果,你是否还会做出同样的选择?

如果你最近经常和男友吵架,心里想过分手,但是还没有最终决定,你就可以用“zero based thinking”的方法问问自己:如果你回到了与他最初相识的时候,还愿意和他开始吗?如果自己心里的答案是不愿意,那就应该赶快结束这段感情迅速止损!


1. put sth on trial 对sth进行审判,这里表示仔细考虑

2. Sth require... require 句式

3. 长难句分析:

Zero-Based Thinking goes against traditional dogma of sticking with something even if it does more personal damage to you than good, which is often one of the biggest problems in personal strategic planning, namely attempting to make something work that you wouldn’t even have gotten into in the first place had you known better.

主句:Zero-Based Thinking goes against traditional dogma

主句修饰成分(什么样的dogma? ):sticking with something

(在什么情况下发生的something ?) even if it代指something) does more personal damage to you than good,

(还是修饰sth)which is often one of the biggest problems in personal strategic planning,

(namely换句话说,可认为是另一句话)namely attempting to make something work that you wouldn’t even have gotten into in the first place had you known better.


· Zero-Based Thinking 与传统的“(把一件事)坚持到底”的信条是相反的;








比如说:stick with / personal strategic planning

Step2: Know when something isn’t quite right.


The best indicator of a zero-based thinking situation is stress or frustration; something keeping you up at night and continually preoccupying your mind.

Often the best solution for your biggest problem is simply to discontinue that activity altogether. Just going cold turkey on your biggest problem can be the simplest and most direct solution to that problem.


1. indicator 词汇使用

2. frustration 词汇使用

3. keep you up at night 让你彻夜难眠

4. preoccupy you mind 占据你的思绪

5. go cold turkey 突然完全戒掉(俚语)





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