
2015年12月21日 美国ACT考试


1. 简洁性原则(effectiveness


That’s a crucial part of the preparation to get ready for morel hunting, because often the same woods that yield morels produce poisonous mushrooms, too.

F. No change

G. to make oneself fit

H. of someone planning to be ready

J. DELETE the underlined portion.

解题思路:根据简洁性原则,preparation一词就已经体现了划线部分to get ready的意思,G选项使某人自己适合H选项某人准备就绪preparation的意思也是重复的,所以划线部分可以删掉。选J

In the fall, as daylight and temperatures decrease, migrating monarchs begin their long journey south, an extended flight.

F. No change

G. south, which is far-reaching.

H. south

I. south, which encompasses many miles.

解题思路:仔细看划线部分an extended flight就是long的意思,然后看其它选项。Gwhich is far-reaching(很远的)和I选项 which encompasses many miles“要走很多英里其实都是远的意思,都与long的意思重复了,所以选H即可。

Yo-yo technology really progressed substantially by making a leap forward in the 1970s when designers added weighted rims so the toy would spin for a longer time.

A. No change

B. advanced as a result of progressively making

C. jumped ahead and made

D. made

解题思路:如果学生知道make a leap forward的词组就最好,直接选D。如果不会的话我们可以通过简洁性原则做出来。leap forward是向前飞跃,和划线部分意思重复。BC选项的意思也和leap forward意思重复,所以选D即可。



I’ m not talking about imaginary creatures but about deliciously real morel mushrooms--funny-looking, textured, edible fungi that appear in springtime.

Given that all the choices are true, which one most specifically describes the appearance of a morel mushroom for readers who have never seen one?

A. No change

B. earthy, oddly amusing, interesting-looking

C. odorless and unusually shaped

D. sand-colored, cone-shaped, spongelike

解题思路:题目中要求找到具体描述morel mushrooms的外貌特征的表达,所以就看哪个选项是具体描述蘑菇外貌特征的。A选项说看起来很有趣,有纹路的,可以吃的菌菇。虽然funny-lookingtextured也是描述菌菇的样子,但是表达比较抽象,不够具体,且edible和外貌无关。B选项意思是朴素的,看起来有趣的意思,对菌菇样子描述不具体,C选项意思是无气味,形状不规则的,描述也不够具体。D选项是沙子颜色,圆锥形,看起来像海绵的,看到描述,菌菇的样子简直跃然纸上非常具体,所以选D

Mostly, finding morels requires two things in particular.

Given that all the choices are true, which one provides the most specific information?

A. No change

B. demonstrating two skills

C. patience and concentration

D. expertise in this hobby

解题思路:题目要求选择一个表达意思最具体的,那么四个选项相比较,A 特别是两个方面,不具体排除,B two skills不具体,排除,C最具体,D这个爱好的专业知识,也是不具体,所以就选C

While many cultures had their variations of the yo-yo, the American version can be traced to the Philippines, where yo-yos have been a national pastime for centuries.

Given that all the choices are true, which one provides the most effective evidence of the long history of enthusiasm for the yo-yo in the Philippines?

F. No change

G. have been a popular hobby for years

H. were carved out of fine wood or animal horns.

J. resembled a toy that was popular in ancient China.

解题思路:找到能够清楚证明对于yoyo有长期热情(long history of enthusiasm)的表达。

F.have been a national pastime(全国人民的消遣活动,可以体现出热情)for centuries(很多个世纪)可以体现出长期,所以F正确。G选项:很多年来都是流行的爱好,for years 不像for centuries这样能够体现long history,排除。H由好的木头或者动物号角做成,不对应题目要求的long history of enthusiasm.最后一个选项:像一种在古代中国流行的玩具,也不能体现long history of enthusiasm,排除。



Anna老师,源锐英语工作室创始人,留学邦合伙人。资深托福ACT教师,专注留学类考试VIP教学六年,英国纽卡斯尔大学口笔译硕士,持有国家美国高中教师资格证。ACT writing 满分训练,ACT语法单项36,SAT作文首考12分满分。学生成功入读宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院、耶鲁大学、南加州大学以及加州大学洛 杉矶分校等美国名校。


开课时间:2015.12.22 or 2016.1.21 80课时
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