
2017年02月07日 美国驻华大使馆


#美国科学家和探险家#本杰明·班纳克(天文学家/数学家)。本杰明·班纳克(Benjamin Banneker)是一个自由黑人,天文学家。他主张废奴主义 ,经常写作年鉴,也曾在美国总统托马斯·杰斐逊早期,与他通信讨论奴隶制问题。在他1792至1797年出版的年鉴中,包括了天文计算,以及与医学和文学相关的实用信息,使他备受国家赞誉。 他的年鉴非常受欢迎,杰弗逊总统甚至自己寄送一本到法国科学院。 如果你有机会给总统写信,你会写什么?

#AmericanScientists&Explorers# Benjamin Banneker (Astronomer/Mathematician) 

Benjamin Banneker was a free black man, astronomer, abolitionist, frequent author of almanacs, and correspondent of early American President Thomas Jefferson on the issue of slavery. He reached wide national acclaim for his almanacs published over 6 years from 1792-1797, which included his astronomical calculations alongside practical information related to medicine and literature. His almanacs were so popular that President Jefferson took it upon himself to send a copy overseas to the French Academy of Science! What would you write to the President if you had a chance? 

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