
2018年09月05日 美国驻华大使馆


1. 乔治服用抗生素,耐药性细菌在肠道内繁殖。

2. 乔治住进医院、疗养院或住院机构。

3. 抗药性细菌通过治疗机构的设施表面传播到其他病人。

4. 病人回家。

5. 抗药性病菌直接传给其他病人或通过医疗机构里不洁净的手间接传播。

6. 乔治待在家里和社区,传播抗药性。



Examples of How Antibiotic Resistance Spreads

1. George gets antibiotics and develops resistant bacteria in his gut.

2. George gets care at a hospital, nursing home, or inpatient facility.

3. Residtant bacteria spread to other patients from surfaces within the healthcare facility.

4. Patients go home.

5. Resistant germs spread directly to other patients or indirectly on unclean hands of healthcare providers.

6. George stays at home and on the general community. Spreads resistant bacteria.

Simply using antibiotics creates resistance. These drugs should only be used to treat infections.

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