
2018年09月11日 大多伦多西部地产

同是大多伦多地区西部,密西沙加8月市场表现比奥克维尔更为活跃,今年8月密市独立屋成交量比去年8月大涨49%,反应库存消化速度的SNLR(销售与新增库存比) 提高了3个百分点,而均价与去年相比变化不大。

目前市场热点似乎有从Condo转向独立屋的趋势, 在Condo价格经历一波上涨后,在Condo与独立屋相比价格差距缩小后,越来越多的买家专向了独立屋市场。而市场的回暖从中低价位房型先行一步,之后逐步转向较高价位区间,地理上416多伦多地区先行于905周边地区,密西沙加的回暖则先行于奥克维尔。

整体来看,大多伦多地区市场回暖是先Condo后House,先416后905,先中低价位后中高价位。当前市场行情特别适合以小换大的 Move-up的换房族,先把较低价位的小房子以相对较好的价位卖掉,再买以暂且相对较低价位的大房子,比较划算。笔者近期确实发现这样的换房族有非常明显的增加,说明很多有换房想法的朋友正在抓紧行动,不知这样的机会窗还能持续多久呢?

除了地理位置,另一个原因是目前奥克维尔独立屋均价为138万, 而密市独立屋均价为105万,奥村仍然比密市高出33万(或31%),因为价位偏高,可负担性Affordability相应较差,所以奥克维尔独立屋市场的恢复比密西沙加滞后一些,但奥村独立屋市场跟随密西沙加步伐应该是大概率事件。

Interestingly, this August the Mississauga detached home market shows much stronger than Oakville, its sales volume has shot up by 49% than August of 2017, from the SNLR ratio it shows the market is absorbing rate is accelerating. 

Although seasonally August should be weaker than July, but this August Mississuaga's detached home sales and new listings have both increased by 12-14% than last month, and the average price has increased moderately by 2.9%. 

It seems there's pattern on the GTA market recovery, it seems it's shifting from condos to houses, from lower price properties to higher price ones, from 416 area to 905 areas. 

Because the average price of Oakville is still around 31% higher than Mississauga, this can be one of the main reasons the Oakville market is lagging behind Mississauga, but looks like there's a good chance it should follow the pace of the latter. 

Mississauga Detached密西沙加独立屋Aug 2017 八月Aug 2018八月Change变化
Avg Price均价10660151047320-1.8%
Number of Sales成交量16023949.4%
Newly Added Listing新增房源36150439.6%
Active listing在市房源61478928.5%
Days on Market售出天数2726-3.7%
Sales/New Listings Ratio销量与新增库存比44.32%47.42%3.1%


Mississauga Detached密西沙加独立屋July 2018七月August 2018八月Change 变化
Avg Price均价101790810473202.9%
Number of Sales成交量21323912.2%
Newly Added Listing新增房源44150414.3%
Active listing在市房源69778913.2%
Days on Market售出天数2826-7.1%
Sales/New Listings Ratio销量与新增库存比48.30%47.42%-0.9%


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