【美国艺术家】乔治亚·欧姬芙(Georgia O’Keeffe)

2017年09月11日 美国驻华大使馆


#美国艺术家#乔治亚·欧姬芙(Georgia O’Keeffe) 帮助开创了美国现代艺术运动。欧姬芙不满足于简单地复制自然界内容,她全盘采用抽象手法来将情绪融入她的作品。欧姬芙创作了200余幅色彩强烈的花卉近景画。她的画看起来像是经由放大镜放大后的效果,目的在于通过大小和颜色凸现图像的强烈程度。她的作品饱受专业好评和欢迎。在1920年代,她是收入最高的美国女性艺术家。1929年她来到新墨西哥州后便爱上了那里的风景和色彩。此后她将大部分时间用来创作色彩鲜艳的沙漠风景画。

#American Artist -  Georgia O’Keeffe

Georgia O’Keeffe helped establish the American modernist art movement. Not content with simply copying what was in nature, she fully embraced abstraction to imbue emotion into her work. O’Keeffe created more than 200 close-up paintings of intensely colored flowers. Enlarged as if seen through a magnifying glass, her goal was to heighten the intensity of the image through size and color. Her works achieved both critical acclaim and popularity; in the 1920s, she was the highest paid American female artist. After traveling to New Mexico in 1929, she fell in love with the landscapes and colors and spent much of her later life painting brightly-colored desert landscapes. 

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