新任美国驻华大使与美国商会早餐会|AmCham's Breakfast Meeting with USA Ambassador

2017年09月05日 西南美国商会

2017年8月24日周四清晨,美国新任驻华大使Terry Branstad先生和美国驻成都总领事馆总领事Jim Mullinax先生美领馆商务处及其它领馆官员中国西南美国商会会长王晓东先生(美国宾诺咖啡成都有限公司董事长、冠东投资有限公司董事长)、美商会常务理事崔晓亮先生(瑞美(中国)热水器有限公司中国区执行董事)、美商会常务理事马朝萌先生(精量电子(成都)有限公司总经理、泰科电子亚太区副总经理),美商会理事马加宁先生(通用电气中国区副总裁兼通用电气医疗集团西区总经理)、宋家豪先生(成都茂业JW万豪酒店总经理)、刘映岑女士(美国联合航空公司成都地区销售总经理)、罗密欧先生(成都富力丽思卡尔顿酒店总经理)在成都丽思卡尔顿酒店举行了商务早餐会。

On Thursday morning, August 24th, Mr. Terry Branstad, The United States’ Ambassador to China and Mr. Jim Mullina, the Consul General of the U.S. Consulate General in Chengdu, together with officials from commercial and other departments of the U.S. Consulate held a breakfast meeting with board members of the American Chamber of Commerce in Southwest China in the Ritz-Carlton Hotel. The attendees were Mr. Benjamin Wang, Chairman of AmCham, Chairman of Coffee Beanery Chengdu Ltd and Guangdong Investment Co., ltd; Mr. Eric Tsui, Officer of AmCham and Managing Director of Rheem (China) Water Heater Co., Ltd; Mr. Jolly Ma, Officer of AmCham, General Manager of Measurement Specialties (Chengdu) Ltd. and the Deputy General Manager of MEAS Asia as well as the other AmCham board of governors, including Mr. Joseph Ma, VP of GE China & GM of GE Health-care West Region, Mr. Khan Sung, General Manager of JW Marriott Hotel Chengdu, Ms. Lorna Liu,Chengdu Regional Sales Manager of United Airlines and Mr. Vito Romeo, General Manager of The Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Chengdu. 

早在1984年,任职美国Iowa州州长期间,大使先生Terry 就曾带领50人的代表团首次访问中国;此外,他与习近平主席多年以来一直保持着良好的友谊。餐会上,大使回忆了习主席在Iowa工作学习的点点滴滴。作为中国的老朋友,大使先生表示希望在他的任期内,尽最大努力促使美中两国关系不断向前发展改善、双边贸易进一步加强。美国商会也希望继续跟美国大使馆及美国驻成都总领事馆紧密合作,助力中美经济、文化、贸易交流,共同谱写新篇章。

Mr. Branstad has a long history with China. As early as 1984, when Mr. Branstad served as Governor of lowa, he led a delegation of 50, and paid his first visit to China. Mr. Terry has a good relationship with President Xi Jinping, stemming from years of past cooperation and friendship. In the August 24th meeting with Amcham SW, Ambassador Branstad recalled the days Mr. Xi spent in Iowa and talked about how Mr. Xi worked and studied there. As an old friend of China, Ambassador Branstad has expressed his deep desire that relations between the U.S. and China keep progressively improving, with the bilateral trade continuing to strengthen. AmCham representatives also expressed their sincere desire to continue close collaboration with the U.S. Embassy and U.S. Consulate, altogether encouraging economic, cultural and trade development between China and U.S.!

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