Talk to Entrepreneurship Institute - Tier 1 GE Scheme Support

2018年03月07日 伦敦国王学院

Tier 1 Graduate Entrepreneur (Tier 1 毕业生企业家签证), as one of the work-after-studies options, might be suitable for those 

- Who are curious about entrepreneurship;

- Who want to be more innovative in their career; 

- Who have got an idea for a Start-up.

If you are thinking of joining Tier 1 Graduate Entrepreneur scheme after your degree study at King's, please get in touch with King's Entrepreneurship Institute. Drop-in sessions are offered by the team to support you from the pre-application stage on the 4th Tuesday of every month (excluding December). 

You are welcome to book the slots following the link here: 


King's College London

Bush House, King's Entrepreneurship Institute

30 Aldwych



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