
2015年09月02日 新西兰2014











这条新闻在国内疯传, 自己去Ocumetics这家公司的官网看了一下, 原文如下(自己小翻译了一下)

Freedom from glasses and contact lenses is a goal that is now a reality. For a half-century, ophthalmic surgeons have envisioned an intraocular lens capable of restoring eyesight at all distances. The objective of OcumeticsTM Technology Corporation is to offer better than 20/20 vision for a lifetime.


注:20/20 是“指最佳视力” 20 feet人们能看到的最好, 对比20/100, 是指你在20feet看到的景象仅仅只是最佳视力看到100feet的景象。

Employing state-of-the art materials and production techniques, OcumeticsTM Technology Corporation is pleased to announce the development of one of the world’s most advanced intraocular lenses, one that is capable of restoring quality vision at all distances, without glasses, contact lenses or corneal refractive procedures, and without the vision problems that have plagued current accommodative and multifocal intraocular lens designs.


Cataract surgery is the most common and successful procedure in medicine. It is a painless and gentle procedure. Utilizing standard surgical techniques, augmented by the accuracy of femtosecond laser incision technology, ophthalmic surgeons will be able to implant the OcumeticsTM Bionic Lens to enable patients to achieve their visual goals.

这段提到了白内障手术, 应该是说这种晶体也可以解决白内障的问题。并且以后不会出现白内障的问题。

As the natural crystalline lens develops into a cataract, not only does visual acuity and quality of vision deteriorate, there may also be a release of toxic agents from the lens into the anterior chamber of the eye. These substances could damage the endothelial cell layer of the cornea, which is necessary for the cornea to remain clear. The OcumeticsTM Bionic Lens is constructed of inert biocompatible polymeric materials that do not cause adverse biophysical changes within the eye.

natural crystalline lens(天然水晶晶体?)所恢复的视力不仅会下降,还会释放毒素影响整个眼房。我们的晶体Bionic Lens 用仿生材料所制,不会给眼睛带来任何的负面影响。

The OcumeticsTM Bionic Lens is the product of extensive research and development, and is a trademark that applies to a host of intraocular lens designs incorporating one or more patented concepts toproduce an intraocular lens that auto-regulates within the eye after being inserted through a sub-2.7 mm incision. Wavefront correction for higher order aberrations can be sculpted within the OcumeticsTM Bionic Lens for enhanced visual function.

The OcumeticsTM Bionic Lens: A New Dimension in Sight Enhancement.

然后后面还有很贴心的Q&A环节 无法复制 只好上图了

这个大家就自己看看吧, 只翻译1条:售价大约3200刀每只眼睛。

不过我觉得这个东西还是很有前景的, 已经在开始进行各种临床试验 和 向加拿大及其他国家监督部门通过申请, 最快预计2017年上市.

还是应该蛮有盼头的, 不过具体的工作原理和副作用都没有明确的说明出来。


楼上已经有人大概翻译了,我找了一下原文在CBC 上有报道,但是墙了似乎,然后我又找到一个可以打开的网页:This insane device promises to give you perfect vision for the rest of your life



  • Clinical trials still needed before device can be approved 确实尚未通过临床实验

  • Custom-made lens that folded like a taco in a saline-filled syringe would be placed in an eye, where it would unravel itself within 10 seconds. 晶体被折叠成“taco"状,放在生理盐水注射器里, 然后注射到眼睛上, 10秒内就会展开

  • Pending clinical trials on animals and then blind human eyes, the Bionic Lens could be available in Canada and elsewhere in about two years, depending on regulatory processes in various countries, Webb says. 取决于在盲人和动物身上的实验结果, 这种晶体会在2年内在加拿大available

PS. 本身的晶体一定会被移除, 换上这种新的仿生晶体, 就和白内障手术一样, 但是这种新晶体比以前的先进得多,而且快速,无副作用, 视力不会回退。




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