New Zealand Deep waters

2014年06月12日 新西兰叠泉天然矿泉水

About Deep waters

Water is located in the non polluting underground, more than 70 meters deep confined aquifer

Every drop of the Deep Waters natural water are composed of 80 years ago, the rain, the real pure without adding

PH 7.8,can balance the fleshy slightly high dairy diet

Natural water with calcium and magnesium body needed

Zero organic impurities - purity comparable to original pure water

Taste smooth

A bottle of Deep Waters natural water by origin imported, keeping the spring initially by the spring when spraying state

Source of deep waters

Deep Waters away from industrial activities, few people tread of the antarctic. Pure clean water through the cold wind to low pollution in southern, over the south of the Alps, and then condenses into rain. Rainwater infiltration soil, to the underground river 70 meters deep, the way through the porous rock and sedimentary rock filter, at the same time, a variety of minerals beneficial to human body and can slowly dissolve in water.

周而复始,地下含水层慢慢注满了水,而山上又不断有新的水渗入。日积月累,山上的水对往下的水构成压力,地下水通过地面较疏的土层给迫出来形成一个喷泉。由于Deep Waters的水来自较深层的地底,又长年累月与空气中的污染物相隔,所以又称作深层天然水。由南极的云层,飘到新西兰,再过滤成天然水,涌出喷泉成为Deeps Waters,整个过程要经历80年之久。所以今天大家所饮用的Deep Waters 天然水实为80年的精华所在。

Go round and begin again, underground aquifer slowly filled with water, and the mountains there have been new water infiltration. Days and months multiplying, mountain water pressure on the down water, groundwater to forced out, forming a fountain by surface sparsely soil. Since the Deep Waters of water from deep underground, and pollutants in the air and Months and years pass by. apart, so called "deep natural water". The Antarctic clouds, moved to New Zealand, then filtered into natural water gushing fountains, as Deeps Waters, the whole process will experience 80 years. So today we drink Deep Waters natural water is the essence of 80 years.

Deep Waters 成份表︰(毫克/公升)





0.3 (甚低)







7.8 (弱碱性)


68 (适中)


118 ()

每瓶Deep Waters能存放两年

Deep Waters springs of small molecular group, can effectively penetrate all kinds of famous tea, it can make the tea itself and its taste beneficial ingredients inside, give chapter and verse for show. Known as the bubble tea flavor of tea king "real"

Deep Waters – your drinking buddy.

高纯度、特级幼滑的天然水令醇酒更易入口之余,却无损酒体的厚重感。用Deep Waters搭配威士忌、白兰地及各类甜酒饮用更佳。

Natural water of high purity, super smooth make wine more easy entrance over, but non-destructive bodied heavy feeling. Whisky, brandy and rum with drink better with Deep Waters.

Drink good water, good soup pot

要煲出滋味浓郁的汤水,怎能忽略水的品质?Deep Waters 泉水分子团小,能有效渗透各类新鲜材料,释放出全部营养鲜味,混入天然水本身所含的矿物质,汤水自然营养丰富好味道。

To make a rich taste of the soup, can ignore the quality of the water? Deep Waters springs of small molecular group, can effectively penetrate all kinds of fresh material, releasing all nutrient flavor, mixed with natural water contained minerals, natural nutritious soup taste good.


High purity, super smooth Deepwaters natural water, make soup taste smooth, easy entrance.

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