Mt Eden 40 M2办公室出租

2015年04月07日 置业新西兰

295 Dominion Road, Mt Eden 二楼,约40 平米的办公室出租。


绝佳地理位置,附近Westpac银行, ASB银行, ANZ银行, 邮局等,对面Countdown超市,人流量多,适合小型公司。

包水,电,宽带,周租金$ 195.

295 Dominion Road, Mt Eden, upper stairs 40 M2 office for rent.

Downstairs a real estate company, opposite ASB Bank, Countdown, n, Very clost to all the banks and post office. Popular area in cental of Auckland.

$195 / week, include water, power, and Internet.

收藏 已赞