电影推荐---“My old lady”(2014)

2015年03月16日 西外英国新西兰留学



老戏骨Maggie Smith 演技无可挑剔,英式英语、美式英语和法语的交织看得很带劲。情节稳稳铺陈,很显功力。表面上看着可能会有些闷,但静心看完之后,会折服于演员们对几个人物的心理起伏的展示,和对大小矛盾的处理。


Love is a limited substance. When you give love to someone new, you have to take it away from someone old. My father took every ounce of love he had and dumped it in Paris. People like us think we've been cursed by God, but, in fact, we've been cursed by our parents. You look in the mirror, and you see an adult. But you have to look more carefully. There's a big piece of you that never grew up. It may have grown tall, but not up. You spend your life waiting for your parents to come back and make it all right. But they don't come back. It's not all right. You have to somehow move past them. You have to somehow convince yourself that you don't need those people. Because you don't.

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