Health from the beginning of water

2014年07月29日 新西兰叠泉天然矿泉水

Water is the Source of Life, the world's first life is born in water, in the adulttissue water accounted for about 70%, middle-aged tissue water accounted for about 60%, the old organization in the proportion of 50%, which accounted for 90% in the blood, brain, muscle accounted for 85%, accounted for in 75%,bones accounted for 50%, and neonatal body water can be as high as 80%-90%. If the body of water less than the proportion of 50%, people's liveswill be in danger.

Water is very important to human health, but now the water quality of our country seriously polluted. The national report of 1996 China Academy of Sciences pointed out: a survey conducted China pollution of 532 rivers, there are 436 rivers are subject to different degrees of pollution. China lakeeutrophic level has exceeded 63.6%. In Chinese populated areas, lakes,reservoir has been polluted.

Because of water pollution, sewage has become invisible killer of human health, WHO (WHO) survey:

* 80% of the world's disease is due to drinking water caused by pollution;

* in the world 50% children's deaths due to drinking water caused by pollution;

* 2500 Wan Ertong world each year, died from drinking contaminated water related diseases;

* 1200000000 people all over the world after drinking contaminated water and suffering from various diseases.

* in short, Water is the Source of Life, health is the foundation of all life, love life, health care!

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