
2014年06月15日 新西兰叠泉天然矿泉水

Deep waters main minerals and trace elements in human body's functions

Calcium: fold springs rich in calcium, long drink fold springs can make up for a lack of calcium, prevent diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure;

Magnesium, as an essential trace element, magnesium has an important protective effect on cardiovascular, have \"cardiovascular defenders,\" said. Human body magnesium deficiency can cause tachycardia, arrhythmia and myocardial necrosis and calcification.

Sodium, sodium is to maintain the body fluid osmotic pressure of the main cationic, to promote the excitement of nerve muscle.

K: human serum potassium concentration was only 3.5 ~ 3.5 tendency, L is the main purpose of potassium in the body to maintain acid-base balance, involved in energy metabolism and maintain normal nerve muscle function.

: manganese as part of the metal enzyme, can promote the growth and development of bone marrow, and maintain normal metabolism of sugar and fat metabolism, improve the body of the hematopoietic function.

Soluble solid, often drink water soluble total solid content high, not easy absorption metabolism, often drink water soluble total solid content high death from cardiovascular disease, the risk of heart disease, cancer, lower than the total solid solubility of water.

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