
2014年07月24日 新西兰加成留学移民




1. 新西兰是世界上技术移民成功率最高的国家之一。留学生毕业后,新西兰移民局给予毕业生一年的开放工签,期间找到与专业相关的工作即可申请移民或者再获得两年的工签。留学生有很大机会成功技术移民。

2. 新西兰鼓励留学生接受高等教育。尤其是就读新西兰的硕士,移民局允许留学生配偶在新西兰全职工作,子女还可享受免费入学的优待。

OECD praises New Zealand’s labour migration policy

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

An OECD review of New Zealand’s labour migration policy has concluded that it is working well.

The review is the third of a series conducted by the OECD Secretariat since 2009 to assess whether our labour migration policy is effective in meeting labour market needs without adverse impacts, and whether the policy is efficient. The focus is specifically on discretionary labour migration – that is, those labour migration movements over which policy has direct, immediate oversight.

The OECD has noted that New Zealand has a longstanding history of immigration and its labour migration flows are among the largest in the OECD. More than one out of four persons in the workforce is foreign-born.

The report also notes that migrants are over-represented among the high-educated and their labour market outcomes are favourable in international comparison.

The OECD has made a number of policy recommendations, which the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment will bear in mind when considering its future policy work programme.

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