
2015年10月14日 无忧小雅哥



以下这些在ATask 1中很常见的错误,据说99%的同学都中枪!~同学们瞅一瞅,看一看,下面这些错误,你犯了吗?

Mistake: have a decrease/ increase,这种表达不常用

Correction: 一般的用法是 see/witness a decrease/increaseHave的用法较为informal,在雅思作文中应慎用。

Mistake: The number has been increased/ decreased by…..

Correction: 表达上升/下降的词最好慎用被动语态

Mistake: 不管什么情况都用account for作为句子开头

Correction: the number, the amount, the figure, the proportion做句子的主语的时候,千万不要用account for开头

Mistake: the proportion of people worked in the health care sector

Correction: The proportion of 后面不能加句子, 应为the proportion of people who worked in the health care sector

Mistake: number替换amount

Correction: amount 用来修饰不可数名词,表达“量”,number通常用来修饰可数名词,表达两者不可互为替换

Mistake: Ratiorate替代proportionpercentage

Correction: proportion 强调一物与他物在数量、大小等方面的关系。percentage 指百分比 将一般的比值化成百分数。ratio 意思是比、比率,强调整体与部分、部分与部分的比率。 rate 指比率,比如利率。因此不能互为替换

Mistake: graph/chartpicture替换

Correction: graphchart中的一种,picture泛指图片,不能指代图表

Mistake: 用定语从句读数据, The crime rate in the US was highest, which was 0.3%.

Correction: The crime rate in the US was 0.3%就可以了;如果想表达highest,可以写成The crime rate in the US was 0.3%, which was the highest…

Mistake: comparing with

Correction: 一般是compared with

Mistake: reach to/at

Correction: reach是及物动词,后应直接加数据,

Mistake: People age 15 to 24

Correction: 说人年龄的时候应该是aged,譬如说people aged from 15 to 24

Mistake: was increasing/decreasing

Correction: 小作文要求学生描述的是已经发生了的状态,因此不常出现过去进行时。只用increased/decreased就可以了,

Mistake: While, whereas替代in contrast

Correction: whilewhereas是从属连词连接两个独立的句子,不能够单独存在

Mistake: show a slightly increase/drop

Correction: 副词slightly不能修饰名词,应该是slight increase, drop

Mistake: on the contrary替换in contrast, by contrast

Correction: on the contrary 一般出现的语境是前面出现否定信息。

Mistake: see a fluctuation表示波动

Correction: fluctuated就足够了哦~

Mistake: reduce或者raise来表达数据的变动

Correction: reduceraise通常不用于雅思小作文中。另外ascentdescent通常也不用于小作文中。

Mistake: remain constantly

Correction: remain 后面只能加形容词,如remain constant

Mistake: the figure has been doubled

Correction: Double (增长一倍) 在形容数据变化时,通常没有被动

Mistake: the male group outnumber the female one

Correction: outnumber的主语一般是可数名词的复数,不能是不可数名词;表示超过的时候,一般是用overtake/surpass

Mistake: furthermore, moreover, in addition等连接词表递进

Correction: 这些连接词常被用来表达观点的递进,在图表作文中做好不要出现

通过以上的总结,我们可以发现,大部分的错误都由于考生们本身对部分词汇的用法一知半解。“烤鸭”们若想要迅速提高小作文成绩,对词汇 用法的掌握度可要加强啦。加油哦~

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