
2016年01月08日 美国驻华大使馆

#美国初选 - 开放式或封闭式初选的主要优势。既不属于民主党也不属于共和党的美国选民人数每年都在增长,这使得这些“摇摆”选民成为重要的选举群体。封闭式初选只允许登记注册了的党员来选择候选人。这意味着候选人只面对来自本党的选民,但被提名者最终也将需要争夺独立选票。开放式初选允许非党员投票,这意味着结果可能预示着非党员中支持候选人的程度。为什么“摇摆”选民对开放式初选很重要?欲了解更多信息,请参阅链接(中文):http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/chinese/pamphlet/2013/05/20130506146853.html#axzz3ulVTTLOO

#US-Primaries – Open or Closed Primary Advantages. The number of American voters who do not belong to either the Democratic or Republican party continues to grow each year, making these ‘swing’ voters an important voting group. Closed primaries allow only registered party members to select a candidate. Closed primaries allow only registered party members to select a candidate, meaning the candidates face voters only from their own party, but the eventual nominee will need to compete for independent votes as well. Open primaries allow non-party members to vote, meaning the results may indicate a candidate’s level of support among non-party members. Why are ‘swing’ voters important to open primaries? For more information, please see link (Chn): http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/chinese/pamphlet/2013/05/20130506146853.html#axzz3ulVTTLOO



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