
2014年04月02日 澳洲新梦想雅思




Task 2


"Some people think living in big cities is bad for people's health. To what extent do you agree or disagree?"

这是一道中规中矩的Disagree vs Agree 题型。话题关键字:big cities, bad, health.各位童鞋要注意,此题明确要求我们论述在大城市生活对人们健康的影响。所以小伙伴们不能只是泛泛讨论居住在大城市的利弊。应该着重于对于Health的影响。

小伙伴们可以用课上老师推荐的Concession paragraph 简明扼要的阐述 the convenience of living in big cities:

- well-established infrastructure. such as advanced public transportation,dynamic of multicultural life and more job opportunities, to name a few. 

然后再开始写Agree的body paragraph.


Some people think young people should be required to have full time education until they are at least 18 years old. To what extent do you agree or diagree?

这道题其实是英国教育部2008年颁布的法令 (其实对于mandatory threshold age of education的讨论在主流西方教育体系中已经被讨论了很久)小编为大家截取一些法令内容,以便大家了解背景知识:

The new law is called the Education and Skills Act 2008. It says that by 2013, all young people in England have to stay on in education or training at least part-time until they are 17 years old. By 2015, all young people will have to stay on in education or training at least part-time, until they are 18 years old.

(原文内容可见于 http://www.skill.org.uk/youth/page.aspx?c=309&p=430)


The state has a clear interest in keeping students in school: Those who stay in school are less likely to become teen parents, commit crimes, or draw on welfare and more likely to participate in civic life – in addition to making much more money over their lifetimes



Some people think it is important for all cities and towns to have alrge outdoor space for public use, such as parks and squares. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


A public space is a social space that is generally open and accessible to people. Roads (including the pavement), public squares, parks and beaches are typically considered public space.  (更多可参考链接:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_space)

此外,建议小伙伴们从以下角度去组织Agree or Disagree的观点:

- Economic: 可与commercial building进行比较

- Social Welfare: more recreational facilities for citizens which is likely to encourage them to do physical exsercise.

- Environmental protection: valuable land resources.


Task 2


Some people have unhealthy lifestyle. What do you think are the reasons? What solutions can be taken to solve this problem?



- fast pace of life, unable to strike a balance between work and life

- Materialism, many individuals are prone to work overtime in order to make more money. The consequence of it is arguably the setressful life.


- Launch public campaign against unhealthy lifestyle on social media platform,such as facebook, twitter or microblog. This can raise the public awareness of maintaining healthy lifestyle. Keeping a balanced diet may be a good example.

- Build more sports amenity for people to use.



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