全世界最天才的拼贴艺术家Johanna Goodman|幽默讽刺的虚构人物目录

2017年09月20日 FOX国际艺术

全世界最天才的拼贴艺术家Johanna Goodman



The Catalogue of Imaginary Beings in an ongoing series of work begun in 2015 that sprung from over twenty years of portraiture and collage work. Now that over 200 plates the body of work seeks to explore a range of themes in popular consciousness. The body of work draws its inspiration from a wide spectrum of sources including Magical Realism, Surrealism, and Symbolism. And more specifically references such cultural artifacts as talismans, idols, totems and all of the material detritus that surrounds all of us all the time. These characters are composites embodying notions of “the warrior”, vulnerability, industry, the universal and the personal. They reference these identities as they’ve been depicted historically through art, literature, and commerce. 


Both visually riveting and psychologically evocative, these images that exist somewhere between portraiture and iconography have resonated with a host of different entities such as magazines, galleries, and others including The Smithsonian, The Metropolitan Transit Authority of New York and West Elm.

 Logan Bradley 设计总监和作者是这样评价的:

Design Director and Author, Logan Bradley, describes the work this way:

“‘虚构之目录’是由艺术家和插画师 Johanna Goodman 创作的一系列幻想拼贴画。艺术家在帕森斯设计学院(Parsons Design of Design)学习,具有无与伦比的创造力,可以熟练游走于各种风格之间。这并不是我在吹捧她,但是她快速切换于变幻的风格中,显示出一个真正创意人才所具备的多样性。艺术家会用 google 搜索帮助他诞生一个有一个新的灵感,创造了大量的肖像,这种技术让她脱颖而出,成功吸引了‘时代’杂志,‘纽约客’,‘纽约时报’,‘Esquire’和‘华尔街日报’作为她的拥趸者。”

“The Catalogue of Imaginary Beings is an exciting collection of fantastical collages by artist and illustrator, Johanna Goodman. Goodman, who studied at Parsons School of Design has that remarkable ability of being able to create shockingly good work in a myriad of styles. This is no mean feat. Chopping and changing styles, and being successful with each of them, shows a true creative talent. And with Goodman, a quick Google search will turn up an array of varying illustration styles including a large portfolio of painterly portraits, a technique that has landed the artist with gigs for the likes of TIME Magazine, The New Yorker, The New York Times, Esquire and The Wall Street Journal.”

 “艺术家的这组创作是一个持续更新的个人系列,凸显出令人耳目一新的气质。Goodman 用各种不同的材质和纹理与人体部位拼凑在一起,形成美丽但诡异的效果。肖像所穿着的服饰和人体脱出了正常的比例,让每一个作品都充满令人讶异的视觉体验。这种娱乐性让人联想到蒂姆·伯尔顿的‘爱丽丝梦游仙境’,以及 COMME des GARCONS 的高级定制带来的荒谬的狂欢。又好像是‘饥饿游戏’中会穿着的服装。这种奇怪、富有想象力而又独特的美感,显露出艺术家性格中异想天开的一面。”

“However it’s Goodman’s Imaginary Beings, an on-going personal series, that stands out as being wondrously refreshing. Using various textures and body parts, Goodman collages together bizarrely beautiful formations. The costumes and figures that fill the catalogue are strangely disjointed, with cumbersome proportions and voluminous gowns made up from a selection of textures that keep surprising you at every turn. The playfulness of it all recalls the joyous absurdity of Tim Burtons’s Alice in Wonderland, the Haute couture of COMME des GARCONS, or dare I say it, the costumes of The Hunger Games. They’re odd, wildly imaginative and strangely beautiful, and surely they reveal a little bit of Goodman’s own whimsical nature.”

Elongated Female Figures Composed From Elements of Natural and Urban Scenery by Johanna Goodman 

Taller than trees and towering over buildings, Johanna Goodman's pieced together female forms appear to stretch far above the landscapes before them. The collaged works, which combine elements of art, design, and architecture, are a part Goodman’s series titled The Catalogue of Imaginary Beings, which aims to explore the individual’s role in history and popular culture.

“[The Catalogue of Imaginary Beings] draws its inspiration from a wide spectrum of sources—including magical realism, surrealism and symbolism—and more specifically references such cultural artifacts as talismans, idols, totems and all of the material detritus that surrounds all of us all the time,” Goodman told Ms. “These characters are composites embodying notions of ‘the warrior,’ vulnerability, industry, the universal and the personal. They reference these identities as they’ve been depicted historically through art, literature and commerce.”

Recently Goodman has created works that commemorate the strong women involved in the Women’s March on Washington and its sister marches across the globe. She has also created work inspired by the Climate March that occurred this past April (like the figure seen erupting from a smoke stack below). You can view more of Goodman’s elongated collages on her Instagram and Tumblr. (via Tu Recepcja)









名校保过作品集课程:TOP1-TOP10 (正在报名中)


小班作品集课程:周末、寒暑期课程 (暑期课程正在报名中)








地址: 基地1 北京市朝阳区东大桥路8号SOHO尚都西塔3楼1316,侨福芳草地对面

基地2 SOHO尚都西塔3楼1336

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