
2017年09月27日 美国驻华大使馆

文化官马科林: 这是我第一次参加跑广州塔的活动,作为唯一一位外交官以选手身份跑完全程,一个字,爽!我很高兴看到广州有这么多人支持健身运动。跑上111层是不小的挑战,而我看到能完成的人有很多,太厉害了。我以前没参加过类似的活动,更别说在这样一个风景独特的地标了。希望以后能参加更多类似的活动。

It was incredible to participate in my first Canton TowerRun Up event. I am glad to find that there is such a large community of peoplein Guangzhou who are interested in fitness. It was a challenging run with over111 floors to climb, and I was impressed with how many people were able to doit. I had never done anything quite like this before—let alone at such a sceniclandmark—and hope to participate in more events like this in the future. 

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