
2017年09月18日 新西兰奥克兰独立生活服务中心


New Zealand is a unique multi-cultural country. As the populationnumber increase, and the needs or inquiries increase dramatically, in order tolet our new migrants to come in and get join in with the main streampopulation. our government and organizations have employed lots of BilingualAsian service employees, so that we can have better communication with all Asianpeople living in New Zealand.

The Auckland central Chinese network meeting is not only helpingthem overcome the language barrier, but also is providing a platform for them tospeak up and access the government/service provider information, so that ourservice providers can have a better place to join in and work as a team.



At ILS, we are welcoming various organizations, governmentofficers, services providers, and Asian community leaders, media and coreperson in the community, to attend our monthly network meeting. We also needyou to refer more relevant people to join us.  

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