
2018年10月22日 长春市实验中学加拿大高中


After a long holiday, the International Division carries out a yearly outdoor outreach training before each semester in order to increase cohesion of each class. International Division teachers and students of Changchun Experimental High School conducted such expansion training in Rongfa Agricultural Tourism Park on August 23 and October 19 this year.


Students arrived at the training base and were led by instructors to start their team-building activities. The making of team flags, team names, team songs and slogans quickly brought students into the atmosphere.

破冰活动后 , 高一同学们首先进行了空中抓杆和空中断桥训练,这两个项目意在让高一同学们克服心理压力, 建立挑战困难的自信心与勇气,勇于抓住机会。高二和高三的同学们则进行心手相连训练,要求所有同学同用一支巨型毛笔完成指定的书写任务,之后进行的孤岛求生等项目, 该项目更需要同学们的默契合作,共同完成团队目标。

After the“ice- breaking” activities,  Grade 10 students carried out  aerial pole-holding and bridge-breaking trainings. The purpose of these two projects aims at overcoming their psychological pressure, building up their confidence, encouraging them to challenge difficulties and seizing opportunities. Grade 11 and 12 students were trained a program named  their hearts to hands. All students were required to complete the assigned writing task with a giant brush, and then they carried out projects such as island survival, which required the tacit cooperation of the students to achieve the team goal together.





After lunch, high school students received trainings like the power grid crossing, battlefield calls upon soldiers, back breaker and dynamic ball juggling training. The Grade 11 and 12 students had the training named the strength of breathing, solidarity and invincible soldiers. The students participated actively in and completed the training collectively. After dinner, the students had a cup dance game. At that moment, the students seemed to go back to their childhood, playing happily.




The most exciting is the bonfire party. Around the burning bonfire sit the students wearing smile on their faces, who enjoyed the wonderful performance from each class.


The one-day training exhausted students. Because of the typhoon attack, school authorities decided to return to inner city at 4: 00 am, which was also a test for our students, the second-day training has been postponed till new semester.

2018年10月19日上午,国际部全体师生再次来到基地进行了第二天的户外拓展。 早晨微凉的秋风挡不住师生们参加训练的热情,老师和孩子们一起坐上校车,一路欢声笑语,抵达了基地。一下车就感觉到了训练场地严肃的氛围。各个年级在不同教官的带领下开始了训练。

On the morning of October 19, 2018, all the teachers and students of the International Division came to the base again for the second day of outdoor physical training. The cool autumn wind in the morning can not stop the enthusiasm of teachers and students to participate in the training. Teachers and children rode on the school bus all the way to the base with laughter. After reaching the base, students were surrounded by a serious atmosphere . Each grade began training under the leadership of different instructors.

十年级同学的第一个项目是极速挑战。 该项目分为六个不同的挑战,经过教官对注意事项的介绍之后,同学们相互合作,完成共同的目标。第二项目是攀爬毕业墙,这是个非常有挑战性的项目,毕业墙需要学生在不借助任何外力的情况下翻越四米高的水泥墙,这需要团队的力量和奉献精神。学生们自行分配任务,身体较壮的男同学在底下做奠基,长得较高的男同学率先爬上墙顶,在上面往上拉拽下面的同学。同学们团结协作,最终顺利完成了四米高墙的攀爬。

The first project for Grade 10 students is the Ultimate Challenge, which is divided into six different challenges. After the instructor introduced the rules of the training, the students cooperated with each other to accomplish their common goals. The second project is to climb the graduation wall, which is a very challenging project that requires students to climb the four-meter-high concrete wall without any external force. This requires team strength and dedication, students assign their own tasks, the robust male students acted as the foundation at the bottom, taller boys climbed to the top of the wall and pulled his team mates up . The students worked together and successfully climbed the four-meter wall. 




Students in Grade 11 and Grade 12 made a dynamic ball juggling, and each of them grabbed one end of each rope which connected to the central drum, and a tennis ball bounced on the surface of the drum continuously for designated times. This project examines the students' ability to work as a team. CS is the most popular project for the students. Students wore equipments which can receive signals to attack their counterparts in other teams. The students made their plans and worked together. Each team was not willing to fall behind and the competition is very fierce. The last project is called trust sitting, in which students from two different grades formed a circle in one direction sitting on their teammates' knees, which promotes trust among team members and also enhances the friendship of students.




Through such training, students have challenged themselves and increased their self-confidence. Although the physical training is short, students have learned something out of class , dedication, solidarity, responsibility.



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