【盘点】uni将 告诉你英国留学签证面签会问哪些问题

2014年11月09日 海外学生服务中心上海英国留学

uni将 英国留学签证面签会问哪些问题



1.I am from the British Embassy. I would like to interview you regarding your T4 application. Are you fit and well and ready for interview?


Yes, of course. 是的,当然可以

2. If you do not understand a question please say so. Please answer the questions truthfully and make your answers clear.如果您不明白哪个问题,请您告诉我们。请诚实并清楚明白地回答问题。

OK. 好的

3.What is your name? 你叫什么?

My name is xx

4.What is your date of birth? 您的生日是哪天?

I was born on Twenty-First August Nineteen-Ninety-One

5.What type of entry clearance are you applying for? 您要申请哪种类型的签证?

Tier 4 General Student Tier 4 成人学生签

6.What course will you undertake, and at what level is this course. 您将要去读什么课程,属于哪种层次(Level)?

Accounting and Finance QCF_NQF7

7. Why are you taking this course in particular. Why this course and this university 为什么选择这门课?而且是这个学校的这门课?

The British course arrangement is very suitable for me and University of Manchester is my dreamed school for its excellent educational quality and facilities inUK.

8. How many hours a week will you study and how is the course structured. Did you research the course 您将每周学习多少小时?课程设置是什么样的?之前了解过这门课吗?

The course is full time and it is from 10/02/2014 to 30/09/2015. The latest arrival date is 03/03/2014.

9. Will this course lead onto any further study 读完这门课,您是否会继续深造?

I will go back toChinaand find a job in the related work.

10. Why did you decide to study in theuk. Why in the UK and not another country 为什么打算在英国读书。为什么是英国而不是其他国家?

As far as I learn,UKis one of the developed countries all over the world, and it is famous for its outstanding educational system and nurturing academic atmosphere. So I want to study in this excellent country. (也可以根据自己所了解的信息用自己的语言表达)

11. How much are your course fees 您的学费是多少?

10924 pounds and I have paid total fee


12. Who is paying for this course 您的学费由谁支付?

My parents support my study inUK


13. What do your parents do for a living 您的父母从事什么职业?



14. What will you do once this course is completed 课程结束后,您打算做什么?


15. Do you plan to work inUKafter finishing all your studies inUK? 读完所有课程后您打算在英国工作吗?


16. Did anyone help you with your uni application. 在申请学校的时候,您是否接受过他人的帮助?


17. Will you gain any qualification from this course 课程结束后,您将会取得什么证书?

Master degree


18. Who will be your guardian during your study inUK?在英国学习期间谁是你的监护人?(针对18岁以下申请人)


19. Will you be travelling alone toUK? 您将一个人前往英国吗?(针对18岁以下申请人)


20. Do your parents agree and support your study plan inUK? 您的父母是否同意并支持您在英国的学习计划?(针对18岁以下申请人)


21. Do you know anyone in the uk 您在英国有熟人吗?


22. Where will you stay and how far is this accommodation from your school/college 就读期间,您住在哪儿?住的地方离学校有多远?


23. Before the account was opened where was the money 在存入这个账户(注:应该是指担保金账户)之前,钱是在哪里的?



24. Who put the money into your account 谁往这个账户里存的钱?


25.Have you understood all the questions? 对于我们的问题,您都清楚吗?


26. Is there anything you would like to add or amend to the interview? 关于我们的面谈,您有什么需要添加或改动的吗?


27. Are you happy with the way the interview was conducted? 对于我们的面谈问题的组织形式,您是否满意?


PS 移民倾向是指你有可能会留在那里继续深造、工作、结婚。


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