
2014年10月30日 英国驻广州总领事馆


终于天气凉了下来,没那么潮湿了。整个九月我都在盼望秋天的到来,同时也感到内疚。小时候,父亲曾告诫我期盼未来的幸福早日到来是不对的,因为那相当于盼望 自己人生的一部分早日逝去。而今年,甚于往年,我觉得这个漫长而潮湿的夏天实在令人无精打采。尽管知道我应该利用最后这段时间尽可能地在华南地区游览,我还是没有精力,提不起兴致。









At last it is cooler and less humid. All through September I found myself wishing for autumn though I felt guilty for doing so. When I was a small boy my father told me it was wrong to wish for the early arrival of future happiness, as this was tantamount to wishing away a part of one's life. This year, however, perhaps more than ever before, I found the long, humid summer enervating. Although I knew I should be trying to see as much as possible in my remaining time in South China, I lacked the energy and even the desire to do so.

I did shake off this torpor to travel to Liaoning Province for a long weekend. I stayed on a small-holding on the edge of a village about three hours from Shenyang. This was the farmstead where one of my mandarin teachers in Beijing had been brought up as a child. Her parents welcomed me to their home.

I slept for the first time on a kang. It was warmed by the residual heat from the oven under a steel basin with a lid, used to cook noodles one day and dumplings the next. The fuel from the oven was the roots of maize.

The maize had been harvested before I arrived and was stripped from its husks while I was there. It was a good harvest with nearly a hundred sacks, fetching a reasonable price as the yield from other farms nearby had been diminished by drought. I would have liked to lend a hand with the stripping, and did so briefly, but my assistance was superfluous.

It was a pleasure to walk in the dry air and bright sunshine. The countryside was quite beautiful and for me surprisingly hilly. I admired the many working donkeys. I was hailed by a farmer who initially treated me with great suspicion, as if I were a spy or a real eastate developer. But he later invited me to taste the peanuts he was harvesting, though he said these were dry and poor this year.

I returned to Guangzhou somewhat invigorated, but it was only later when the temperature fell here that I felt my interest as well as my energy revive. I started to look around me and to see again, almost is if scales or cataracts had been removed from my eyes.

I took a day's leave to climb Mount Luofu, which I had not visited before, and spent the journey back looking from the bus into the lighted windows of roadside buildings as night fell.

I spent another afternoon visiting Shawan Guzhen. Even though it was during the national holiday week there were rather few visitors. I had seen signs for Shawan when going to Dafushan but I had never been before. I admired the many longng paving-stones, the walls made out of oyster-shells, the ancestral halls and temples, an ancient well that was still in use and the setting of the great square with hills behind.

It seemed to me somehow typical of Guangzhou that such an interesting place, which elsewhere might be the main attraction of a town, is - though certainly not hidden - relatively little known and advertised. There is so much in Guangzhou that I have yet to see, and now so little time to see it before I leave. I hope I may come back to visit in the future , but do not know if I will ever again have the chance.

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