PAINT in New Cross (Free Workshop)

2015年07月06日 伦敦大学金匠学院

来自Goldsmiths, University of London的学生Jesus Briceno Reyes即将于7月17日(周五)从早上10点到下午6点在New Cross Gallery举行个人画展,有空的童鞋们都可以来参观参观哦~

Jesus Briceno Reyes来自Education Department的Artist-Teacher and Contemporary Practices专业。此次推荐该同学个人画展的原因,是因为其作品在学校受到一致好评,比较代表Goldsmiths创作型的艺术特色。

MA in Artist Teachers & Contemporary Practices:

The MAAT gives artists, practitioners, teachers and educators, in informal and formal learning environments, the opportunity to extend, enrich and consolidate the overlapping practices and theories of contemporary art and learning and teaching through individual and collaborative research.




Jesus Briceno Reyes同学的个人网站 ;


Goldsmiths大部分同学都有呈现自己作品的网站,在每年的Degree Show都会展出自己的作品,附带印有自己作品的明信片,背后都会印着该学生的姓名、个人网站等信息。

至于同学Jesus Briceno Reyes本人的照片,主页君放几张图片,大家猜猜是图中哪个?


总而言之,来自Goldsmiths, University of London,Education Department的Artist-Teacher and Contemporary Practices专业的学生Jesus Briceno Reyes此次的Solo Show还是很值得一看的。


We are not looking for genius,

We are not looking for perfection,

We are looking for CREATIVITY.

最后,放上一张New Cross的美图。Paint in New Cross & Free Workshop, Why not come?

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