【职业播客】Interviewing Techniques面试技巧,英语学习遇到难题加入Colin英语问答

2014年10月22日 英国大使馆文化教育处

I know it sounds obvious, but you really must prepare before the interview. Find out as much as you can about the person you’re going to interview, and the subject matter of the interview. Prepare your questions in advance. Think about the order you will ask them. A rule of thumb is to ask questions about facts first, leaving opinion questions until later. Most people find questions about facts much easier to answer, so they start to feel more at ease. Spend a little time imagining how you hope the interview will go. Visualize yourself in the situation, introducing yourself, asking the first question.


Think about where the interview will take place. Try to interview the person in a place which is appropriate to the interview – their place of work, for example. Interviewing a person on their territory can put them at ease, and also provide you with colour for your story.

考虑一下面试的地点。试着在一个适合面试的地方- 例如他们工作的地方对他们进行面试。在被面试者自己的地盘对他们进行面试会使得他们更加安心,而且可以给你的面试增色不少。



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