Australian Movie Night 澳洲电影之夜

2016年01月22日 OZDAD澳洲老爸美食材

Tonight, the 22nd of January, The Arthouse is screening another Australian movie. This will be the first in our series of Australian movies where we will be showing the best of Australian film. 

This week we're showing Wake in Fright, an Australian classic. Free entrance plus we'll have Chengdu's Best Chicken Parmagiana for only 58RMB.

小编对这部《内陆惊魂》影评是:看完后无比震撼,匆匆记下自己的残言碎语,#再看之作# 无比的压抑与绝望。被救活时眼角的泪水,更是对生命绝望的无奈啊。在一个奇怪的小镇,因贪和好奇,一时冲动之下输得精光,步步陷入泥沼之中,越是挣扎陷得越深;一夜惊醒本以为可以从此远离,岂料百般挫折又回到噩梦般的地方,欲死不得。 小镇,居民狂欢背后的空虚,生活放肆隐藏着的迷茫,令人瞠目......

All guests purchasing food or drink are eligible to watch the movie for free.

Ring one of the following numbers for directions:

18602812601 (Andrew)

028-69907559 (Land line manned from 4:30pm on weekdays)

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