
2017年05月13日 美国驻华大使馆

516周二 18:30  [美领馆讲座] 释梦:从弗洛伊德到荣格

Tuesday,May 16, 18:30  [ShAC Presents] WesternTheories of DREAM Interpretation


你有没有过从一个疯狂的梦中醒来,很想知道它代表的意思?是不是总是很快忘记梦的内容?欢迎来上海美国中心,了解更多西方关于释梦的理论。讲座中,嘉宾主讲 Kelly Gerstbacher 会介绍弗洛伊德与荣格关于梦的精神分析理论,分享能帮助你记住梦的技巧,以及分析一些常见的梦中的隐喻,如果你有一个久久不能释怀的梦,想知道它代表什么意思,也欢迎你在现场提出。

Ever wake up from a crazy dream and wonder what it meant? Do you not rememberany dreams and wish you did? Come to the Shanghai American Center to learn moreabout western theories of dream interpretation. This talk will discuss thewestern dream theories of Drs. Freud and Jung, explore techniques to improvedream recall, and examine common dream metaphors. Guest Speaker KellyGerstbacher will work together with the audience to interpret a dream fromsomeone attending the talk

Kelly Gerstbacher

About the Speaker: Kelly Gerstbacher is the Political-Economic OfficeManagement Specialist at the U.S. Consulate in Shanghai. She has a Bachelor
s in American History from Boston University, a Masters in Consciousness & Transformative Studies from John FKennedy University, and a Masters in DreamsStudies also from John F Kennedy University.


The event will be conducted in English with no interpretation. Please bringyour photo ID to enter the Shanghai American Center.



517周三 18:30  [美领馆讲座] 走近亚裔美国文学

Wednesday,May 17, 18:30  [ShAC Presents] GuestLecturer King-kok Cheung on Chinese-American Literature


每年五月是美国的亚裔美国人和太平洋岛民传统月(AAPI),人们庆祝亚裔美国人和太平洋岛民的文化和传统,感谢他们为丰富美国的历史所作出的贡献,强调他们对于美国的未来至关重要。作为系列活动之一,上海美国中心请来了加州大学洛杉矶分校的英语教授King-Kok Cheung 来作一个主题为亚裔美国文学的讲座。Cheung 教授会谈到文化心理学中的独立(independence)和互依(interdepence)的概念以及华裔美国作家们是如何将多重文化性带入作品的。

May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month in the UnitedStates.  To celebrate, the Shanghai American Center is proud to welcomeKing-Kok Cheung, an English professor from UCLA, who will talk aboutChinese-American Literature.  Dr. Cheung will discuss what culturalpsychologists call
independence and interdependence, showing how Chinese American writers introduce plural voicesinto life-writing / autobiography.


The event will be conducted in English with no interpretation. Please bringyour photo ID to enter the Shanghai American Center.



518周三 18:30  [美领馆讲座] 亚裔美国人和太平洋岛民专题讨论会

Thursday,May 18, 18:30  [ShAC Presents]Celebrating the Diversity of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders



The Shanghai American Center is hosting an Asian American and Pacific Islander(AAPI) Heritage Month Discussion Panel with four American diplomats from theU.S. Consulate in Shanghai. The panelists will first give an introduction oftheir families
immigration stories and share someinsights about growing up as a part of the AAPI community in the United States,then hold a discussion on the different ways the AAPI community contribute toAmerican society. Attendees are welcome and encouraged to ask questions andengage in conversation at this event.


The event will be conducted in English with no interpretation. Please bringyour photo ID to enter the Shanghai American Center.


Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month takes place everyyear during the month of May in the United States. It celebrates the cultureand traditions of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the U.S., and paystribute to the generations of Asian and Pacific Islanders who have enrichedAmerica
s history and are instrumental in itsfuture success. The Shanghai American Center is celebrating this meaningfulmonth with a series of movie screenings and discussion panels focusing on AAPIheritage, so please join us and learn more about one of the most culturally andlinguistically diverse groups in America!



上海美国中心(Shanghai American Center,简称ShAC)是美国驻上海领事馆新闻文化处的一部分,旨在协调与支持中美教育交流,举办文化活动,提供图书资源等。中心举办各种文化活动,包括各类讲座、电影之夜、艺术展览等。


地址: 上海市南京西路1376号上海商城东峰540




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