
2018年04月30日 澳学集团







迪肯将在2018的第7届亚沙中作为第一和唯一的院校联同亚沙公益和中国红十字会基金亲基金陪护5位来自远在青海亲基金未来教室的农村孩子参与体验沙漠 同时在进入腾格里沙漠后迪肯团队将一对一辅导孩子们完成一个有关沙漠生态环境的实地作业。 迪肯大学中国校友创会和首任会长兼亚沙公益负责人Lawrence Lau将担任领队工作。迪肯大学国际部副部长兼中国事务主任孙琎也全程代表迪肯大学参与支持。





来自澳洲迪肯大学的志愿者将全程陪护孩子们完成全部赛程,并在沙漠中完成沙漠生态环境的研究性学习,收集样本,制作沙漠生态环境沙盘模型。教材由Lawrence 和他在昆士兰省的女儿编制并由迪肯校友在现场辅导同学执行





James Sun, 澳大利亚迪肯大学国际部副部长兼中国事务主任,负责迪肯大学澳洲本土与中国区的国际学生招生以及院校合作事务。迪肯大学世界排名213位,在校生超过六万人,包括15000名国际生,中国学生数近5000人。孙琎先生一直致力于中澳教育合作与交流,在澳大利亚国际教育行业享有盛誉。)




 (Lawrence Lau, 澳洲黄沙资本创办人,2004毕业于迪肯MBACPA)并在2012年参与建设在上海的第一个 迪肯大学校友会。刘先生是澳洲资深会计师(FCPA)和澳洲会计师公会上海分会第二任会长。他热爱户外活动和人类学,早在90年初带领第一批亚洲人团队穿越澳洲无人区和辛普森沙漠,之后参与多种野外活动如探洞和穿越并频繁进入少数民族区域通过摄影记录一些即将消失的文明。)

迪肯大学中国校友会将陆续与亲基金未来教室和亚沙公益加强合作帮助农村孩子提高视野。通过未来教室平台我们可以为孩子们提供课外的互动和学习更多软实力。后续我们将与大家公布更多具体计划有兴趣的校友请联系通过[email protected] 联系Lawrence Lau

English Version below:

The Asia Pacific Business School Desert Challenge, or “YASHA Challenge”, is an athletically experiential culture competition among MBA students from top business schools in the Asia Pacific region. The participating MBA students experience and practice the concept of "environmental protection, collaboration, persistence and responsibility" by completing the 70 km desert competition. The highest award in the Asian games is the Gulls award. The first event was held in the tengger desert in inner Mongolia in 2012 and has been successfully held for six consecutive years. By far 97 universities have been seen in participating in YASHA Challenge, including mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, macau, Singapore, Britain, Australia and other countries and regions, estimably 2200 people participated, while in the meantime, reaching the total exposure of more than 200000 people in the crowd.

Deakin was the first Australian university participated in the Asia Pacific Business School Desert Challenge (YASHA Challenge) in 2016. We will join 2200 participants from over 97 business schools from China, USA, UK, Canada, Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan in the 7th YASHA Race this year in the Tanger Desert in Inner Mongolia, China. Unlike previous years that our goal was to challenge ourselves, we will undertake much greater responsibilities.

Deakin will be the FIRST and ONLY university to join force with YASHA Charity and China Red Cross Foundation Qin Rural Education Charity Funds to take 5 students from the rural school to participate in the 7th YASHA Challenge. The Deakin team will also provide one on one coaching to the student on a Desert Ecosystem project.  Lawrence Lau, ex-president of Deakin China Alumni and YASHA Charity, will assume the role of leader. James Sun, Associate Director of Deakin International and Director of Deakin China, will join the challenge.

This is the first time these rural students leave there home town. They look forward very much this opportunity to meet with their coaches from the Deakin team and other participants in the YASHA challenge.  Daily physical exercise and preparation for the site project is underway.  We hope this trip can provide an opportunity to these rural students to see the world beyond their village and many possibilities in life.

Volunteers from the Deakin team will accompany the children and coach them to complete the project to study the desert ecosystem in the Tenggeli Desert. Teaching materials were designed by Lawrence and his daughter who currently studies in Queensland while the team will assist the student to carry out field works. The purpose is to enable the students to appreciate and protect our precious planet and to learn to think creatively.

Deakin University has donated part of the outdoor gears and materials for the desert ecosystem project.  Let’s wish the team a safe and fun trip with the kids.

Alumni wil continue to work wit the Red Cross Foundation and YaSha Charity to strengthen our efforts to assist rural children to learn more skillsets to prepare themselves for the future. We will provide more information on how you can help as we shape our plans. Feel free to contact Lawrence Lau on[email protected], if you are keen to be part of this meaningful initiative.





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