4月新增WFD 66题, 文字版和音频都来啦! 请第一时间熟练掌握

2018年04月22日 海外东方学院

很多同学询问 WFD四月66句的音频机经在哪里? 就在喜马拉雅FM 搜“海外东方PTE雅思NAATI”,  或者直接发微信私信“ WFD 66句” 即可获得。

关于PTE新题机经, 特别是WFD, 送给大家一句话, 叫“喜新不厌旧”, 老题依然会考。

如果想全面系统地复习新题并取得新题机经,请参加海外东方每周末免费课,长按文末的二维码预约就好。 更给力的学习方法是参加海外东方的PTE面授或者网课,保过课程更给力,更实惠。

1. The traffic is the main cause of the pollution.

2. The university seeks the funds for renovation of the theater.

3. The untapped potential of using the sun is enormous.

4. The ways in which people communicate are constantly changing.

5. The xxx group will perform in the concert hall.

6. There are many people still struggle into the lab.

7. There are still many people struggling in the lab.

8. Tours operate all year round, but the busier dry season runs from May.

9. Traffic is the main cause for pollution in main cities.

10. Undergraduates may pay their interests on special stages within specific programs.

11. We study science and appreciate the world around us.

12. You have to learn how to use the library to save your time.

13. You may need a purchase of academic gown before commence.

14. You may need to purchase a gown before the commencement.

15. You may need to purchase an academic gown before commencing.

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